12 Jan 23
@fmf saidHow frightful.
Having said that, I've been talking a lot to a bloke from Lichfield and a little bit of his Staffordshire accent has been rubbing off on me. I have to consciously purge this variant from the way I speak but I can hear it occasionally listening back to voice notes I send to fellow English Accent 101 speakers, like my sister, when I am a wee bit squiffy.
@the-gravedigger saidYes! Especially West Midlands, of all places! I shudder to think.
How frightful.
@great-big-stees saidThat might be a grave mistake.
I’m not a fan of the aigu accent.😡
How do you feel about kaigu accents?
@rookie54 saidYou have to watch the monkeys if they have any at the zoo you visit they throw feces.
a clouded leopard has gone missing from the dallas zoo on friday the 13th
the zoo says it ain't dangerous
carry on texas
carry on