Jan, this is also what I learned. My board had a 9x9 back. But even that is not a good intro to the complete GO-game. As I said, only
tactical play. And the GO-BANG rules are NOT the dame as GO. But to practise positions using at entry level, a 9x9 is good enough.
For advanced moves, you need the complete board. Even some opening moves are on the opposite sides of the 19x19. But believe me,
I won't go back to GO. Before you get any satisfaction out of it, you would have to invest hundreds of hours, and find players to play with.
Well Gilbert, I'm 61... It would then be a waste of precious time if
spent on Go, wouldn't it? One of the reasons I never got on with Go, is
that I knew nobody interested in the game to play it. At that moment,
decades ago, I had a basic understanding of the game. Just needed
someone in the same position to further the study and practice.
Nowadays this should be easier: there are CD-ROM-prgrammes, clubs,
etc. where you can further your knowledge of the game on many
levels. Should have been born 30 years later! Thanks for sound advice
anyway. Jan