Originally posted by onyx2006Off to the small claims court then?
Jeez, scary... WTF?
Done it and came across my recent wedding photos!?!
Some bloody website has uploaded our photos to advertise weddings in italy, and I've also found 7 video clips of our wedding on another site... the wedding video guy advertising his services by throwing our wedding online to advertise?!?!! We never gave any permission to do this.....
I share my name with a very well known BBC presenter so I get pages of links to him and his shows on the BBC, Wikipedia and many many other sites but there is also an artist with my name who is hung in the National Portrait Gallery (his paintings, not the man himself).
I'm also an estate agency in Toowoomba, Australia, a 16th century English martyr and the first doctor in New Zealand to identify chronic fatigue syndrome 😕
Hasn’t everybody done this? Mine (when coupled with “chess&rdquo😉 comes up an attorney for a well-known chess “politician” who likes to sue people, a high school kid from the same state rated 1400, the CC organization I belong to and an IM with the same last name. I’m not related to any of them.