Originally posted by ncrosby
It came from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a nickname for the good guys. Do I get a prize?😀 I actually didn't know it I had to go dig it up- it didn't take as long as I expected, found it in the 4th post.
DING DING DING... we have a winner. Actually , all you win is the satisfaction that you know where my clan's name came from. I liked the show, and when coming up with a clan name, I thought it sounded like it would be cool. It actually came from an e-isode (although I think it is used in two episodes) sometime in season 2, when there is a vampire version of willow in an alternate universe. Buffy never came to sunnydale, and there is a collection of characters fighting the evil, and she calls them the stupid "White Hats". Recruiting for the clan itself was a fun thing, building it up, getting involved in the race for the top (it's nice to see the fun clan knocked out, but I wish I was around when it happened). My clan HAD been moving up quickly... I wonder what has happened 😉🙄