@very-rusty saidPlease go away and learn the meaning of 'OR.'
Now you are saying: It could be mental health issues or merely criminal intent....LOL...You can't really have it both ways goad.
You were asked a direct question which you are trying to wiggle around AGAIN!!!!
21 Apr 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidLOL.....OR what?....Don't be so silly goad!!! đ đ
Please go away and learning the meaning of 'OR.'
21 Apr 19
Because a gang of people are stalking him and you are enjoying predating on him. Do you think that is mentally ill?
Now answer the question!!! đ
21 Apr 19
@very-rusty saidIt could be mental health issues......OR......merely criminal intent.
LOL.....OR what?....Don't be so silly goad!!! đ đ
Which renders your statement 'You can't really have it both ways goad,' nonsensical.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidActually just say you don't know the answer, would be a whole lot easier than saying it could be one thing or another. You're just playing a word game now!!! đ You really are stuck for what to say it is. Maybe because of your own involvement?........hmmmm......
It could be mental health issues......OR......merely criminal intent.
Which renders your statement 'You can't really have it both ways goad,' nonsensical.
21 Apr 19
@very-rusty saidSome questions (especially open questions) don't have a definitive answer. It's like being asked 'If I have a headache is it an indication of a brain tumor?'
Actually just say you don't know the answer, would be a whole lot easier than saying it could be one thing or another. You're just playing a word game now!!! đ You really are stuck for what to say it is. Maybe because of your own involvement?........hmmmm......
Symptoms can indicate more than one condition. To feel the need to give just one definitive answer, without laying out the possible alternatives, would render one foolhardy. (As would equating that with 'not knowing the answer.' )
21 Apr 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidNow you are sounding a bit like Dr. Phil saying a alot but nothing substantial.
Some questions (especially open questions) don't have a definitive answer. It's like being asked 'If I have a headache is it an indication of a brain tumor?'
Symptoms can indicate more than one condition. To feel the need to give just one definitive answer, without laying out the possible alternatives, would render one foolhardy. (As would equating that with 'not knowing the answer.' )
Talk about avoiding a direct question put to you. That is something you are very good at, reminds me of someone else who use to be on this site!!! đ đ
22 Apr 19
@very-rusty saidWhat a prat.
Now you are saying: It could be mental health issues or merely criminal intent....LOL...You can't really have it both ways goad.
You were asked a direct question which you are trying to wiggle around AGAIN!!!!
22 Apr 19
@very-rusty saidThe word stems from 'pratfall' relating to a comedy fall on to the buttocks.
an incompetent, stupid, or foolish person; an idiot.
a person's buttocks.
Do you think that describes you Suzie Q?
I think it is a fair observation of your behaviour in these forums.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidROFLMAO....It is an English way of saying it. Suzie Q's flag shows she is from the U.S.A. not many of them would use that term in my opinion. Are you giving her lessons or is she just picking up the lingo from you!!! đ
The word stems from 'pratfall' relating to a comedy fall on to the buttocks.
I think it is a fair observation of your behaviour in these forums.
Get the hell of off you high horse goad, there is not Halo floating over your head, your beharviour in the forums hasn't been any better than mine, you just suck up to people, which I don't!!! đ đ
Oh and you also have certain members you seem to like to try to bully especially if they are not with the crowd!!! đ Nothing goes unnoticed here goad, it was even brough up by another poster who had the courage to mention it to you!!! So it isn't just me saying or thinking this, not by a long shot! đ đ
22 Apr 19
@very-rusty saidActually, his post had nothing to do with you. He just doesn't like people who work in mental health and disagree with him in his glowing endorsement of cannabis.
ROFLMAO....It is an English way of saying it. Suzie Q's flag shows she is from the U.S.A. not many of them would use that term in my opinion. Are you giving her lessons or is she just picking up the lingo from you!!! đ
Get the hell of off you high horse goad, there is not Halo floating over your head, your beharviour in the forums hasn't been any better than mine, yo ...[text shortened]... ention it to you!!! So it isn't just me saying or thinking this, not by a long shot! đ đ
22 Apr 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWell as you know it has been legalized in Canada. My own personal opinion is it will not stop the illegal use as it was meant to do. From what I hear the government stuff is crap, and many are going back to their dealers. Now though you can have a certain amount on you for personal use.
Actually, his post had nothing to do with you. He just doesn't like people who work in mental health and disagree with him in his glowing endorsement of cannabis.
22 Apr 19
@very-rusty saidThere is growing (and very recent) evidence of a direct link between smoking cannabis and drug-induced psychosis.
Well as you know it has been legalized in Canada. My own personal opinion is it will not stop the illegal use as it was meant to do. From what I hear the government stuff is crap, and many are going back to their dealers. Now though you can have a certain amount on you for personal use.
That is my personal concern.
22 Apr 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidYes, that could become a really big problem here in Canada.
There is growing (and very recent) evidence of a direct link between smoking cannabis and drug-induced psychosis.
That is my personal concern.