Have I lost the plot or what?

Have I lost the plot or what?



Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
22 Apr 08

I downloaded the new REM album. Well, I say download, but it could just as well be "stole"...

Anyways, when I play it on the computer it sounds as good as one could expect from a band consisting of pensioners.

But when I burn the music there's a weird sound running through most of the songs. A sort of white noise, if you will.

Does anyone know what this is? Most music I burn doesn't have this noise, so I presume it's not a hardware problem.


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
22 Apr 08

Originally posted by shavixmir
I downloaded the new REM album. Well, I say download, but it could just as well be "stole"...

Anyways, when I play it on the computer it sounds as good as one could expect from a band consisting of pensioners.

But when I burn the music there's a weird sound running through most of the songs. A sort of white noise, if you will.

Does anyone know wha ...[text shortened]... is is? Most music I burn doesn't have this noise, so I presume it's not a hardware problem.
Maybe your computer realised it was REM and put it there to improve the "quality". 😉

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
22 Apr 08

Originally posted by shavixmir
I downloaded the new REM album. Well, I say download, but it could just as well be "stole"...

Anyways, when I play it on the computer it sounds as good as one could expect from a band consisting of pensioners.

But when I burn the music there's a weird sound running through most of the songs. A sort of white noise, if you will.

Does anyone know wha ...[text shortened]... is is? Most music I burn doesn't have this noise, so I presume it's not a hardware problem.
Those are the distant and barely perceptible murmurings and lamentations of looters jailed for illicit downloading.



Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
22 Apr 08

Yes. Both are very funny comments. You should both be stand-up comedians...

08 Oct 04
22 Apr 08

Doug Stanhope

That's Why I Drink

01 Jan 06
22 Apr 08

Last Tuesday, the European Court of Justice speak out for a legislation protecting the identity of the Internet users who make illegally downloading...

Indeed, the Luxembourg Court considers that the protection of copyright "cannot be prejudicial to the demands related to the protection of personal data". According to the Court, the European law does not compel the governments of the 27 member States to protect copyrights or to start legal proceedings on personal data.

Whilst acknowledging that member States could adopt such a law, the ECJ considers it is the duty of the European country governments to find the "balance" between the protection of privacy and the rights of intellectual property.

This information comes in the proper time when illegal downloading may have decreased in 2007.
Have the Internet users been afraid of the sanctions? According to the consultancy firm GFK, this decrease in "illegal" downloading can be explained by the emergence of many competitive phenomenon lately. Starting with listening to music or watching movies and videos in streaming on the Internet (deezer.com – musicovery.com - radioblog.com and lately musiline for audio, as well as youtube and dailymotion for video...). The firm GFK thus considers that about 1.6 million households use this option.

VOD (video on demand) is another service tending to reduce downloading. The number of platforms is increasing , fees are appealing and the exploitation choices are numerous (computer or TV viewing, transfer on video walkman, etc.). About 14% households have been tempted in 2007.

We can also analyze the explosion of the "sideload"* phenomenon. This trend is confirmed by the sale of external hard-disks; about 3 million units have been sold in 2007, i.e. a 100% growth compare to 2006. This year, French people should buy 4.5 million of them...

*(Sideload enables to transfer movies, albums or software through multimedia hard-disks or USB keys).

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
22 Apr 08

Originally posted by shavixmir
Yes. Both are very funny comments. You should both be stand-up comedians...
Just trying to help. Maybe the solution is to buy the album.. the white noise could be there to discourage copying.


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
22 Apr 08

The post that was quoted here has been removed
A DVD burner.

08 Oct 04
22 Apr 08
1 edit


Sewers of Holland

31 Jan 04
22 Apr 08

The post that was quoted here has been removed
It's them others that started it...

I use Roxio music creator 5 to burn CD's.
I've never had this noise before. My computer's stereo is ancient and crap, it could be that I just don't hear the noise until it's on a proper stereo?

Primal Primate

holiest of holies

05 Nov 07
22 Apr 08

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Those are the distant and barely perceptible murmurings and lamentations of looters jailed for illicit downloading.

Interpol is probably raiding RHP HQ for his IP address as we speak.


05 Jan 04
22 Apr 08
1 edit


If Theres Hell Below

We're All Gonna Go!

10 Sep 05
22 Apr 08

Originally posted by shavixmir
It's them others that started it...

I use Roxio music creator 5 to burn CD's.
I've never had this noise before. My computer's stereo is ancient and crap, it could be that I just don't hear the noise until it's on a proper stereo?
maybe you cranked the compression ratio too high? in 56k mp3 the artifacts are audible, in 128k it's more audible in the high frequencies, and after that more as a 'flatness' in the sound. and it does matter a lot how good speakers you use. - the 'copy protection' which is just an euphemism for 'deliberately ignoring format specs', tends to create skips or unreadable data, not changes in the sound.

or, the codec used might have gotten corrupted, or something you've recently installed is conflicting with the software.

about the decrease of 'illegal downloading', I wonder how long it'll take until the recording industry starts screaming "why isn't anybody downloading our stuff anymore?!" as their revenues decrease the same speed as 'illegal downloading'?

Dann sind wir Helden

16 Jul 04
22 Apr 08

Originally posted by shavixmir
I downloaded the new REM album. Well, I say download, but it could just as well be "stole"...

Anyways, when I play it on the computer it sounds as good as one could expect from a band consisting of pensioners.

But when I burn the music there's a weird sound running through most of the songs. A sort of white noise, if you will.

Does anyone know wha ...[text shortened]... is is? Most music I burn doesn't have this noise, so I presume it's not a hardware problem.
Try burning it to a DVD+RW, as it might just be a bad CD.

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