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@suzianne said
You can start complaining when it gets to 35.
our humidex was up around there today. So ok to whine now? 🙂



@gambrel said
You're right, I lived on the east coast. The humidity makes it feel hotter and colder than it is. 20°f was bone chilling.
They always say here, it's a dry heat, but so is an oven or a cutting torch lol

Our humidex was in the 30's they said the feel like temperature here would have been in the 90's f. depending where one lived. Only going to get hotter as the week goes along tomorrow and Friday as well as today had heat warnings.



@ghost-of-a-duke said
Likewise. I'm not designed for the heat.
There are those who LOVE it! I am not a big fan either, but make sure I have a few going. 🙂



@suzianne said
You're in Canada. Stop whining, you could be here in the US.
My dear I wouldn't be able to survive with temps in the 100's(f)



@ghost-of-a-duke said
Which of Dante's nine circles of Hell are you currently in sir?
the one with the pitchfork up his ass


@suzianne said
You're in Canada. Stop whining, you could be here in the US.
my daughter is in perth WA she phoned last week to tell me it was freezing 20c, it was 20c in the uk as she called I was in the garden in T shirt and shorts.

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@badradger said
I was in the garden in T shirt and shorts.

1 edit

Heat Warnings:

We have heat warnings for today and tomorrow. Humidex will be up around 35 today putting temperatures close to 40c which which would put it up around 100-f.

I was out early to get better half meds and our daily brews, no brisk walks outside for me to day or tomorrow, don't need any more health issues.


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Friday the 13th and another scorcher they are calling for low 30c and humidex could drive up the temperatures to around 40c.....I bet that is warm enough for some Americans that say I am whining about the heat.


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