Originally posted by Kewpiewhat is it that it's filled with today???
1. A general forum filled with GB threads.
2. A general forum filled with stuff that belongs in Debates and Spirituality.
3. A general forum filled with WA games and me-too games.
I don't know why I even bother to come here any more. Ah, for the good old days!
Originally posted by Kewpie"A general forum filled with GB threads."
1. A general forum filled with GB threads.
2. A general forum filled with stuff that belongs in Debates and Spirituality.
3. A general forum filled with WA games and me-too games.
I don't know why I even bother to come here any more. Ah, for the good old days!
... four on page one with 180 plus posts represent something negative?
Come on people. We have to rescue this thread from meaningless spam.
No more word association games, take them to posers and puzzles.
No more meaningless links and copy/paste lists from certain people
that I won't mention.
Let's have true conversations and opinions exchanged in a friendly informal
I propose a discussion on the merits or otherwise of internet addiction.
Drewnogal has already stated that this place is like a disease and there
is no going back. I agree with her entirely as I too have been caught up
in this addiction. So if we are all laptop junkies then let us indulge in the
good stuff rather than the bad stuff like WAG and copy/paste spam that
is giving us all a bad trip.
Originally posted by johnnylongwoodyrespect Long Johnny, the forum is rather sanitised.
Come on people. We have to rescue this thread from meaningless spam.
No more word association games, take them to posers and puzzles.
No more meaningless links and copy/paste lists from certain people
that I won't mention.
Let's have true conversations and opinions exchanged in a friendly informal
I propose a discussion on the ...[text shortened]... uff rather than the bad stuff like WAG and copy/paste spam that
is giving us all a bad trip.