@sonhouse saidHmmmm. "Fifteen cars and fifteen restless riders. Three Conductors; twenty-five sacks of mail"
That was a nod to Arlo Guthrie, you probably don't even know who that is till you gargle him.
A number of folks have sung that song including Willie Nelson but it was written by Steve Goodman.
The reference to I wanna Kill is Alice's Restaurant, a very long and funny song that Arlo made into a movie also.
@patzering saidSo did I, but the majority said no in a vote we had back some time ago.
I think thumbs up and down should be made public.
It would be way more interesting.
Majority rules, even if they are wrong. I give you Trump as an example! 😉
@very-rusty saida majority of the people did not vote for trump
So did I, but the majority said no in a vote we had back some time ago.
Majority rules, even if they are wrong. I give you Trump as an example! 😉
@lemondrop saidI know, but he got the votes he needed to go in which is what counts in the U.S.A., I understand he did lose the popularity contest by a few million people, but WON the bigger prize! The White House, and power that comes with the office!
a majority of the people did not vote for trump