Dave Schliemann having presented his qualifications and by-passing
the normal requirement of filling out an application requested
knighthood to the Map Kingdon. His qualifications having meet the
approval of one member are acccepted.
Let it be known that Knight Schliemann abides by all the codes of a
decent human being. Furthermore, He's a darn good chess player.
LOL. I knight thee Sir Knight Schliemann.
The Ambassador
Little Grasshopper
King of Map
Ps: Just for kicks, a definition of chivalry from the dictionary:
"Main Entry: chiv·al·ry
Pronunciation: 'shi-v&l-rE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
Etymology: Middle English chivalrie, from Middle French chevalerie,
from chevalier knight —more at CHEVALIER
Date: 14th century
1 : mounted men-at-arms
2 : archaic : a : martial valor b : knightly skill
3 : gallant or distinguished gentlemen
4 : the system, spirit, or customs of medieval knighthood
5 : the qualities of the ideal knight : chivalrous conduct
Pronunciation Key
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I think it was called a bishop, but in light of all the "bishop stuff" if
you know what I mean, please bestow upon me a different title. I
think I would be sort of like Geoffrey Rush in ELIZABETH. Trusted
advisor, shrewed, astute psychometer always running. Of course, he
did have sex with the enemy before killing them. Maybe something
like "counselor to the court." Oh, one other thing, I don't do that
celibacy thing, so I need my ladies in waiting as well. Kirk