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if you wish to take over the world visit here!!!!!

if you wish to take over the world visit here!!!!!


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Originally posted by marinakatomb
I can multiply backwards πŸ˜‰πŸ˜›πŸ˜€
Does that mean you can divide? That's basically what multiplying backwards is. I still have trouble with it though. πŸ™‚

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No, what i mean is i can work out a sum like 12x30 the other way round, 30x12 πŸ˜›πŸ˜•

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Originally posted by marinakatomb
No, what i mean is i can work out a sum like 12x30 the other way round, 30x12 πŸ˜›πŸ˜•
Okay, well, urm... I've never heard of that... Any other talents? πŸ™‚

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I can break peoples noses with one punch, I've done it before too.

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i can install win ME to run for 2 days before crashing !!!!

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Originally posted by TheSkipper
I like the idea of starting with Wal-Mart. The guards (greeters) at the door are always old retired guys, and according to a recent commercial, ginger bread cookies. I think this would be a good warm up. Besides, he who controls all the useless department store crap...controls the WORLD!!!

I'm with you ObiWan!!

yes besides the people that are the employies of wal mart are to under paid i propose that we increace their salery and make them our evil minions.😡

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Originally posted by ObiWan Kenobi
yes besides the people that are the employies of wal mart are to under paid i propose that we increace their salery and make them our evil minions.😡
Joy... I think you guys and Hitler are going the same way. It starts innocent then it grows...

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Originally posted by Remora91
Joy... I think you guys and Hitler are going the same way. It starts innocent then it grows...
NO, hitler was insane i am complete genius plus. i will sucseed. the diffrence between insanity and genius is measured only by sucsess😡

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Originally posted by ObiWan Kenobi
NO, hitler was insane i am complete genius plus. i will sucseed. the diffrence between insanity and genius is measured only by sucsess😡
Well so far you've made a plan and, well, and, urm... Hitler is ahead so far. Keep trying though.

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Originally posted by Remora91
Well so far you've made a plan and, well, and, urm... Hitler is ahead so far. Keep trying though.
how ever i am a nerd meaning that i have nerd power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡 fsdkjfl

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Originally posted by ObiWan Kenobi
how ever i am a nerd meaning that i have nerd power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡 fsdkjfl
How is hat going to help? If anything you will be a big bully target. πŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by chomper
i can install win ME to run for 2 days before crashing !!!!
Oh come on! I was believing it all till I got to this! On come on! some things are not EVEN believable!

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Originally posted by SirLoseALot
But brain....how are we going to do that????
The screwdriver Pinky...

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Originally posted by Remora91
Joy... I think you guys and Hitler are going the same way. It starts innocent then it grows...
innocent? he was always anti-semitist...ad the gniht of the long knives and all that...

anyhoo-how about we research by watching all the james bond movies? and then our first point of call shold be british intellegence headquaters? and second perice brosnans house...o.k.?

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no offense or nothing but aren't you guys just like ALOT 2 old for this kind of stuff???πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•

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