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Is it cheating

Is it cheating


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I agree with a lot of what you say. My original point lost moons ago
was about books not individual players i didn't like his putdown of
women in general. His deleting my reply. Telling the forum i was
trouble 3 weeks ago when i joined last week (check my profile) or
saying i was cursing and flaming. Anyway he has apologised and i
have accepted it so lets let sleeping dogs lie. Hey enjoy the chess, lol

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Sounds good to me. I really believe in Women's issues myself.
Although, I think if you ask around, some of the other Women on the
site have good things to say about Dave. He is a good teacher and I
think that American humour is more sarcastic and can be taken wrong
fairly easily.

Best way to go on this site from what I've seen is if you feel like you
have been wronged, definitely say so from the start. People are so
nice here, and are willing to take into consideration that their joke or
ribbing could have accidentally caused someone aggravation.

I always say, it's not the joke, it's how you feel afterward that sets the
level of what is accepted and what is not. But, if you post something
controversial or argumentative, don't be suprised if you ruffle a few
feathers. It's better to take it all in stride. Debate can be fun, but
when it turns personal, people get a little edgy.

There was once a study on social behaviour that basically stated....our
society is based on gossip. How you ask? Well, it's through gossip
that children learn what is acceptable and what is not in society.
Therefore, from generation to generation, we pass on what we find
abhorent and what we find praiseworthy. This is true of any social
situation, in my opinion, including the board. So, ideally, we should
just be more open of what we find acceptable and what we do not.

I find Dave to be pretty hillarious, so don't let this get you down. I
played Dave one game, got so frustrated with myself, I resigned all
my games. So sad, but I might take it up again because it really was
more the conversation than the chess that I found so fun. I think I
will play people more my own level though, lol!

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This is not "my" forum and I resent this whole argument...I heard
about you weeks ago from tenebr8 when he refused to play you...and
I could be mistaken and if I am I apologiZe (hmmm..guess other
people make spelling mistakes too) about you cursing...but I do know
for sure that you were very bitter towards him.

Everyone here has the right to decide who they play....part of
the "rules"

I think you are really blowing the whole thing out of proportion...I
answered yur question and you call me a cheater when I am not
one...drop it.


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You misunderstand me; I was not discussing you but the principle of
books. I joined the site last week! So if you heard about me weeks
ago I am very surprised. I agree that we all make spelling mistakes
but apologise wasn't one! Anyhow I accept your apology Dave. I just
don't like to see women put down
Shake on it, i will be gentle? Janey

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I am neither a coward or being rude..and I never "abuse" my position
of being a moderator. Your post contained foul language and
flaming...and I felt it should not have been allowed for others to see.
This last one you did borders on that....but i am fair.

The facts have been stated...subject is over.


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Let me tell you something miss, the fact is that you can use all
information that has been played before your game, databases
record that, that is one information, what is not allowed is to generate
moves from a program, but an analisis of a book is one information
and in correspondance chess is allowed. you started the posting in a
good way but now you are being a little rude may be you dont agree
with the rules but that are the rules, I like to use databases because
you learn to improve your undestanding about openings and middle
games, so I have learned many llines here and applied those
knowloge to real games, I play here because I ever try to improve my
game, I recomend you the site www.chessbase.com where you can
find positions and opennings.

I f you dont like this rules you can play live in other sites....

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Since your post made it into the forums, exactly how is
Dave "abusing" his role as moderator? Go learn some logic.

So you are "new" here? But you know enough to know that Dave is
one of quite a few moderators, even though who is and who is not a
moderator is not a publicized fact. The only people who know who the
moderators are are those of us who've been around quite some time,
so I'm betting you have been here a while and are
being....coy...about being "new".

Mind telling us what your previous nicknames have been, so we know
who we are talking to?

And the uncalled for slams against Dave, sounds like you've got some
old grudge you are working through.

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This is so weird, this is my first day in the forum. I was told he was a
moderator , so i hope you didn't put your shirt on the bet, or

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You seem to know a lot for having only been here a short while. Do we
know you by another Nick? I have a couple of them in mind.
Tha Ambassador
Little Grasshopper
King Of MAP
Most Titled Player
Assistant Captain Team USA

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John. She has been playing two games with me. I explained her
about the forum and the moderation and other stuf on RHP. She is no
double nick (to my sincere opinion at least).

Beware though, she is playing lots of moves. Could be a threat to
your MAP throne.


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i don't wish to sound rude ......

Actually, I don't think you are coming off rude, just angry.

Books are allowed and widely accepted in all chess circles. This is a
correspondence chess site, which is the same as playing by snail
mail. By saying no one could look at a chess book while playing on
this site, or else they are a cheater is essentially denying them the
right to improve their chess skills by studying the masters.

As far as moving the pieces in a way that someone else has allready
written down (by the way, you really didn't make yourself too clear on
that, so I only guess that is what you were talking about. ).....that is
what standard opening lines is all about. If you take chess lessons,
they teach exactly the same as the books. Say for example, you want
to learn the Kings Indian Attack....you look it up, practice, and put it
into play. It is illogical to say that a person is cheating if they make
book moves because the other player has to be playing book to the
exact same move for it to be a repeat performance of the game you
learn from.

I really get the impression you don't know much about chess, but that
is not unlike a lot of people here. I myself only know as much as I
have learned from the few books I have picked up here and there.
Instead of alienating yourself, why not try to improve? Hang out here,
make a few friends and take advantage of the great resources here
like many of the top players. There is a wealth of knowledge to be
discovered, and I don't think insulting people really gets anyone
anywhere in life.

Good Karma to you


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Thank you at least you can reply sensibly. Did you know that he
deleted my reply to his sexist comment on Midol. Abusing his power
as moderator. I expect this will be deleted too so i won't write too

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I don't believe it was sexist...........it's a fact that women have periods
and that some get cranky......who cares? He's not abusing his power if
he's stopping u from abusing yours. It still boggles my mind that you
knew my age without asking me or anyone else......I'm pretty sure I
know who you are, so why don't you just come out with it so we can
approach you in a much more sensible way?

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I have never been on this site before last week or in the forum before
yesterday, maybe we met in your dreams. Play me sometime i can be
fairly nice, lol


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I don't think so. I don't like your attitude with anyone that's trying to
help you........

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