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Is it wrong to feed bacon to my pet pig?

Is it wrong to feed bacon to my pet pig?



Originally posted by ChessPraxis
I heard one time a feller visited your house and saw your pig. It has three legs. The fellow asked about the three legged pig. You said one night a fire broke out in your basement. The pig alerted your family then put out the fire. One time you rolled your tractor and was pinned underneath it. The pig drove your pick up to the wreck and lifted the tracto ...[text shortened]... e his leg?"
You replied "Well a pig that good you cain't eat all at once!"

*Cue banjo music*
an old English proverb/you can all ways tell a drunk by the company that he keeps and the pig got up and slowly walked away.


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
This once proud republic has devolved into a lowest common denominator democracy in which a mesmerized nucleus of voters casts its ballot for the politician promising the most welfare benefits. Next step: tyranny of a one world government in which everyone says "kilogram". It's a synecdoche, Andy, for the loss of our American autonomy which is on the horizon.
Oh, please.

Who was the American recently spotted sporting an affectation of using "ou" words (honour, colour)??


Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
You're always so very helpful with timely information. Thank you.

Postscript: I'm an American and never substitute kilograms for lbs..
in the UK we use Lbs & kilos/miles and kilometres/yards and meters we kept the £ and the pence but a funny thing happened about 5 years back a fruit and veg shopkeeper onl put the lbs sign on his produce all hell broke loose the common market idiots in Belgium insisted he was find and threatened with a prison sentence anyway the great british people got rather peeved and eventualy all the silly charges againt him were dropped.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
Oh, please.

Who was the American recently spotted sporting an affectation of using "ou" words (honour, colour)??
Previously noted that the occasional "ou" usage was/is an affectionate deference to the many members here from the UK.


Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I have this pet pot bellied pig named Heffalump. About 6 months ago Heff ate my daughters leftover breakfast including a good sized piece of maple syrup covered bacon. Now whenever I cook bacon Heff goes nuts. He bounces up and down on his front feet and snorts like an old steam locamotive. I've been slipping him pieces of bacon just to shut him up.
only if its a Jewish vegan piggy

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Previously noted that the occasional "ou" usage was/is an affectionate deference to the many members here from the UK.
But no affectionate deference for kilograms?

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efficiency, efficiency, efficiency...
tell me, if you understand, which system, is more efficient???

remember, everyone reading already knows the correct answer,
they all know yer penchant for longwinded, obtuse, and intentional bullcrap replies...

so give it up bobby, which system is just overall more efficient???


Originally posted by rookie54
efficiency, efficiency, efficiency...
tell me, if you understand, which system, is more efficient???

remember, everyone reading already knows the correct answer,
they all know yer penchant for longwinded, obtuse, and intentional bullcrap replies...

so give it up bobby, which system is just overall more efficient???

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Originally posted by rookie54
efficiency, efficiency, efficiency...
tell me, if you understand, which system, is more efficient???

remember, everyone reading already knows the correct answer,
they all know yer penchant for longwinded, obtuse, and intentional bullcrap replies...

so give it up bobby, which system is just overall more efficient???
If we are talking cost per US gallon of petrol per mile vs cost per UK liter of petrol per kilometer, I would say the Gallon has it beat as far as efficiency goes. But since I am not a mathematician, I could be wrong. It would be interesting to find out.

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Originally posted by HandyAndy
But no affectionate deference for kilograms?
1) Spelling's identical; 2) It's a unit of measure infrequently referenced; 3) The display of affection
isn't governed by the Law of The Medes & Persians; rather, it's individualized and spontaneous.

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Originally posted by rookie54
efficiency, efficiency, efficiency...
tell me, if you understand, which system, is more efficient???

remember, everyone reading already knows the correct answer,
they all know yer penchant for longwinded, obtuse, and intentional bullcrap replies...

so give it up bobby, which system is just overall more efficient???
Efficiency isn't the entire issue. Eventually the metric systems will engulf the western world. I choose not to hasten it.


Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I've been slipping him pieces of bacon
Is that legal where you live? It's legal in some states but frowned upon everywhere. Find a woman dude. 😕

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