26 Aug 19
@patzering saidOne small problem with that statment you weren't even born yet, in fact your mom and dad hadn't even met! 😉
The 1930's
I was part of the book burning crew and I was getting supplies for the rallies 🤗
@patzering saidUnless you lied, you said you were 40 years old!!! 😛
Prove it
Are you one of those who think you were re-born? 😉
@patzering saidThis reminds me of a joke:
I'm 568 years old.
A guy is before the judge for selling the elixir of eternal life.
Turns out he has been convicted already in 1906, 1822, 1762, 1698, 1543...
28 Aug 19
@ponderable saidpondy,
This reminds me of a joke:
A guy is before the judge for selling the elixir of eternal life.
Turns out he has been convicted already in 1906, 1822, 1762, 1698, 1543...
I didn't expect to see you in here while on vacation with the wife. 😉
28 Aug 19
@very-rusty saidAnother amazing revelation from Captain Obvious.
One small problem with that statment you weren't even born yet, in fact your mom and dad hadn't even met! 😉
28 Aug 19
@caissad4 saidIt still beats a vagina hat.
MAGA is a Nigerian slang word for fool or easily fooled idiot .
It is the term advanced fee con men use to refer to anyone being conned. It has been in use since around 2000 .
A 2008 video named MAGA Don Pay by Kelly Hansome gives an example.
How appropriate (and funny) .
So you all will be wearing ass hats.