Hi Tony...Sure...After looking over some of your completed games, it
looks like you could use some help in the middle game. You have the
basics to be a very good player. You just need a little polishing up.
We will play in the near future...right after Schliemann and the Baron.
With those two players in my future I will be chowing down alot of fish..
(they say its brain food). I ate so much lately my skin is turning into
scales and all I want to do is jump into the ocean. 🙂
Sorry big daddy...close does not count...but you are improving...and
as for Johnathan..that is an accomplishment..hell I was a piece up on
Kaidanov and still couldn't beat him..went over 60 moves with his butt
though...he was just too strong.
You will get enough chances I think to maybe catch me napping one
day. 😀
First things first Dave...I am just trying to give him some inspiration
and that I would never ever comment on an active game. I dont think
you meant that....just wanted to make that crystal clear. Actually I am
quite surprised that I am at #3, I used to play in chess clubs and
tournaments years and years ago but than layed low while the kids
were growing up. Now that they flew the coup I have some time on my
hands to play again. I still find myself making blunders and would not
be surprised to slip slide down the ladder. Paul
You know i didn't think that..and I knew you were pumping him up..so
did Tony..so do not have any worries about my feelings. As for being
#3...be proud...you have earned it. I am in the same boat you
are..too many kids...no time for tourneys..I miss it..but I am having
alot of fun here..and guess what..we all make blunders...look at my
games with Boby...I have no clue where I have gone wrong in
either..but I think he might have me in at least one.
Like I said in another post where someone accused us T20 people of
being @ssholes..I mentioned you first as being a great person. And I
guess I fit into the same category...or so I am told. I hope one day to
see you sitting at #1. Unless I get there first. I believe a "nice" person
should be the top player here.
And what we have there now is a complete opposite of that...and #2 is
even worse. Sad.
Keep grabbing the points Paul..and as soon as I am done with my
games with Boby and fernando I want another piece of you. Promise
me that.
Thanks for the grats...For the record, we have played before..in fact
twice before. The outcome ( also for the record ) was 0-2. I will let
your check on who won. I remember our games and they were very
interesting. Thanks again...Paul PS.. Tell your son, I said hi and try
and apply what we discussed about his chess tactics.