Originally posted by CrowleyLaphroaig 15 year old is my personal favourite - truly a rare delight. The 10 year old is good, but nothing like the 15 yo. I've even tasted the 30 yo, but I like the 15 yo better. 🙂
That stuff's got a strange taste, nothing to what I'm used to.
A brand new dictionery ... to help me win at UpWord (a game like Scrabble but letters can be piled up on top of existing tiles).
I get fed up of putting down perfectly acceptable words and then not being able to find them in small dictionerys.
Words like AI (a sort of slouth), EN and EM (measurements used in typesetting/printing) and DZO or ZO (sort of Tibetan Cattle) are REALLY useful in word games!!! 😀