@kevcvs57 saidStop the acronyms! Lol, imho nonsense.
Even now visionary’s infer Russian oligarchs need Stalin
30 May 19
@wolfgang59 saidNo onions? No sausages? Even no steak? Extraordinary!
Stop the acronyms! Lol, imho nonsense.
30 May 19
@pianoman1 saidYou really are naughty indicating dining regimes, otherwise a really terrific bloke! Excellent.
No onions? No sausages? Even no steak? Extraordinary!
@wolfgang59 saidEvery xenon carlight entails lovingly lighting each night train!
You really are naughty indicating dining regimes, otherwise a really terrific bloke! Excellent.
@pianoman1 saidNever in a Russian tunnel!
Every xenon carlight entails lovingly lighting each night train!
@wolfgang59 saidLately I get happy thinking, secondhand.
The Ukraine nowadays :- new electric lights.
@great-big-stees saidSimon evidently can only now do handstands, and not dancing.
Lately I get happy thinking, secondhand.
@indonesia-phil saidGot no IT certificate, nor a degree.
Simon evidently can only now do handstands, and not dancing.
31 May 19
@wolfgang59 saidDarwin enjoys greatly reading evolution essays.
Got no IT certificate, nor a degree.
@pianoman1 saidSo you are, seriously, supporting enforcement?
Darwin enjoys greatly reading evolution essays.
@great-big-stees saidEvidently new force of racists called "English Militia" endorse Nazi Trump.
So you are, seriously, supporting enforcement?
@wolfgang59 saidTarzan rarely used Marmite products.
Evidently new force of racists called "English Militia" endorse Nazi Trump.
01 Jun 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidSurely Tarzan can use dirt or rhino poo?
Tarzan rarely used Marmite products.