08 Jul 19
@wolfgang59 saidEntering Xanadu, Percy realized exactly: Shangdu's songstress is Olivia Newtonjohn.
Even varlets eventually realise yelling's only noisy expression.
@fmf saidNow everyone wondered; Travolta or Newton John on high notes?
Entering Xanadu, Percy realized exactly: Shangdu's songstress is Olivia Newtonjohn.
@wolfgang59 saidNo one takes entertainment seriously
Now everyone wondered; Travolta or Newton John on high notes?
@kevcvs57 saidYou like seriousness? Under oath I'm really extremely serious.
No one takes entertainment seriously
@wolfgang59 saidSerious experiences risk intimidating others usually senseless.
You like seriousness? Under oath I'm really extremely serious.
@fmf saidSure...only Liv is thinking, "Use dumb expressions".
Saying "everone needs someone" excludes loners eagerly savouring solitude.
@great-big-stees saidExiting Xanadu, Percy recollected exactly: Shangdu's strength is Olivia Newtonjohn singing.
Sure...only Liv is thinking, "Use dumb expressions".
@fmf saidGREASE: Newtonjohn is girl nerd in school.
Exiting Xanadu, Percy recollected exactly: Shangdu's strength is Olivia Newtonjohn singing.
@wolfgang59 saidLooking overly owl - like has consequences, see?
GREASE: Newtonjohn is girl nerd in school.
(Can I have owl - like as one word?)
@indonesia-phil saidStrigidae etymology easy.
Looking overly owl-like has consequences, see?
@caesar-salad saidEven today I strangled two Edwards, nine Charlies ... exhausting.
Yesterday strangles Alan's existence.
@caesar-salad saidYou liked that about Eve's, recent, gravitas?
Emma's xylophone had as usual startled the Indonesian nanny greatly.
[Sidenote: I do like this idea of treating 'x' as a wildcard character.]