@indonesia-phil saidSir, you are downright silly, even noodles doodle every Wednesday.
Never on Wednesdays.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWhere exactly did neighbours eat stracciatella, drinking aromatic Yaka?
Sir, you are downright silly, even noodles doodle every Wednesday.
@torunn saidYou all know Alexandra.
Where exactly did neighbours eat stracciatella, drinking aromatic Yaka?
@great-big-stees saidAlexandra likes extended xylophone anthems, Nigel doesn't really agree.
You all know Alexandra.
@indonesia-phil saidAgreeance generally requires ending enmity.
Alexandra likes extended xylophone anthems, Nigel doesn't really agree.
@wolfgang59 saidYet talking instigates making new enemies.
Agreeance generally requires ending enmity.
@indonesia-phil saidEvery new enemy makes it extremely sad.
Yet talking instigates making new enemies.
@indonesia-phil saidGumming nougat is so sad, especially round pieces (equally depressing).
Sad and depressing.
@wolfgang59 saidGreen? Red? Easy! Emerald... nice!
Don't ever press RED. Supposedly secret; it's now GREEN.
22 Jul 19
@ghost-of-a-duke said"Each xeroxed certificate entails Laura's lengthy efforts," Nora tattled.
Nice intense colour, excellent.
@torunn saidDuke outwitted Wolfgang, now Wolfgang always regards Duke suspiciously.
To actually tolerate thoughtlessness leads eventually downwards.