@wolfgang59 saidSome youths carry only political hatred and never trust.
Get hatred off streets, Trump sycophant.
@petewxyz saidTo really understand Stees...think.
Some youths carry only political hatred and never trust.
@great-big-stees saidThe highest intellect naturally knows.
To really understand Stees...think.
@great-big-stees saidYou like the notion evidently; listening in silence.
Kids now often whine silently.
@wolfgang59 saidSilence is literally eliminating noise, cancelling echoes.
You like the notion evidently; listening in silence.
@handyandy saidShoving elderly? One hopes cop's educated.
Silence is literally eliminating noise, cancelling echoes.
@wolfgang59 saidEvery dude understands Canada actually takes English deportees.
Shoving elderly? One hopes cop's educated.
06 Jun 20
@great-big-stees saidSince Easter escapists take risks, optimizing perils every day.
Every dude understands Canada actually takes English deportees.
@torunn saidDangerousness attracted Yolanda.
Since Easter escapists take risks, optimizing perils every day.
@petewxyz saidYou often let anybody nibble Donna’s allsorts.
Dangerousness attracted Yolanda.
@great-big-stees saidAre loose lips suspected of revealing the secret?
You often let anybody nibble Donna’s allsorts.
@handyandy saidspelling errors can really erase trueness
Are loose lips suspected of revealing the secret?