@drewnogal saidNobody ever gives out Terrance's information, and Terrance is obviously not saying.
Expressing xpletives, perhaps raging even, someone shouted , infuriated over negotiations.
@indonesia-phil saidSeems all your information needs gathering.
Nobody ever gives out Terrance's information, and Terrance is obviously not saying.
@relentless-red saidGenuine authentic tradesman hired explaining realistic information, never generalisations.
Seems all your information needs gathering.
@drewnogal saidGetting everything neutered, especially rare animals, likely involves some action to institute options, now suspended.🤔😲
Genuine authentic tradesman hired explaining realistic information, never generalisations.
@great-big-stees saidSuspension usually stops people excessively neutering droopy eared dogs.
Getting everything neutered, especially rare animals, likely involves some action to institute options, now suspended.🤔😲
@relentless-red saidDo only gynaecologist specialize?🤔
Suspension usually stops people excessively neutering droopy eared dogs.
@great-big-stees saidSome people, especially Croats in Amsterdam, likely invite zoologists elsewhere.
Do only gynaecologist specialize?🤔
@drewnogal saidEmployees acquired serious infections last year.
England lacking some employees would hire extras really easily.
@relentless-red saidYour elderly aunt’s retiring?🤔😲
Employees acquired serious infections last year.
@great-big-stees saidGetting nasty, Ivanhoe risked insulting teetotalers , even reindeer.
Your elderly aunt’s retiring?🤔😲
@torunn saidRecently, everyone involved now’s decided Eric’s expecting reason.
Getting nasty, Ivanhoe risked insulting teetotalers , even reindeer.
@great-big-stees saidReally, eating anything sweet over noodles?
Recently, everyone involved now’s decided Eric’s expecting reason.
@drewnogal saidNice on occasions; distinctly like eating spaghetti.
Really, eating anything sweet over noodles?
@relentless-red saidSome people actually get hernias exercising, trying to “improve”.😲
Nice on occasions; distinctly like eating spaghetti.