@Ghost-of-a-Duke saidOman bought four used submarines causing America to expect danger.😲
Nigel obfuscated.
@Great-Big-Stees saidDanes are no good, exclaimed Richard.
Oman bought four used submarines causing America to expect danger.😲
@Great-Big-Stees saidDarling, even Nigel tried it so try racing yachts.
Rachael is changing her approach regarding dentistry.
@ptobler saidYou actually can’t have this Stanley.😡
Darling, even Nigel tried it so try racing yachts.
@Great-Big-Stees saidSo they all noticed Liam except you.
You actually can’t have this Stanley.😡
@Great-Big-Stees saidUnderstanding nothing, Derrick eats Ralph's socks, trousers and night dress.
You obviously understand.👍
@Ghost-of-a-Duke saidDuring recent exercises Stees sucks.😲🫢
Understanding nothing, Derrick eats Ralph's socks, trousers and night dress.
@Great-Big-Stees saidStees kicked certain unwanted staff.
During recent exercises Stees sucks.😲🫢
@Ghost-of-a-Duke saidStees’ kids can’t actually jump…perhaps a little fat.😲😁
Stees, today, ate fifty flapjacks.
FYI, they really aren’t…fat, rather quite fit.👍
@Great-Big-Stees saidFind another tournament.
Stees’ kids can’t actually jump…perhaps a little fat.😲😁
FYI, they really aren’t…fat, rather quite fit.👍
@ptobler saidTo only use really natural actions means eventually no tension.🤔😲
Find another tournament.