Originally posted by Grampy BobbyIt's roflcopter, dude, get with the times.
Factoid 1): many words are the children and grandchildren and nephews and nieces of mister lol and his lovely bride, lols. Space allows only a truncated portion of their family tree: lolocopter, lolar skates, lolar eclipse, lolcano, lolcanic eruption, lollopops... Factoid 2): mister lol and his lovely bride, lols were lolmates from day one. (lolume one)
Originally posted by Grampy Bobbywtf 😉
This may or may not sound silly but the use of "lol" is so pervasive on the internet that it's stimulated my curiosity to ask: has anyone here ever said, "lol" to mean "laughing out loud", "lots of luck" or "lots of love" in person or on the phone? lol[/b]