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Magnetic waves on MOTT edges:

Magnetic waves on MOTT edges:


Originally posted by sonhouse
What is to be gained by your continued refusal to examine my issue? Your obsession with the flipping football is just a dodge and you know it. You clearly just don't want to face the possibility your life long obsession with a flat Earth is over.
That's not true, sonhouse.
I'm more convinced now of the earth's shape than when I first considered the topic a few years ago.
I've made it a point to not dodge a single issue, to disallow anything to be glossed over with an easy-believe-ism or close-enough mentality.

This one issue is hardly the nail in the coffin for the entire discussion, at least I don't see it that way.
That being said, however, the undeniable nature of this issue has the potential to affirm the complaint of NASA's duplicity.
What is undeniable is:
º they state they recorded this on February 01.
º they have a Super Bowl football with the teams' names on it.
º the names of the teams were unknown until January 22.
º the last shuttle to the station was in October, when none of the 32 teams had been eliminated from potentially being there (stop it with the Browns, people).

This leads to four distinct possibilities:
1. They knew who would be in the Super Bowl and received the ball back with their October launch.
2. They went with the odds and had balls with all the teams' names on it.
3. There was an unrecorded launch after January 22 wherein the ball was delivered.
4. They were not in space as represented.

It could be this has an easy, simple explanation.
Number four is the only possible answer to the conundrum, however, if an easy, simple explanation isn't possible.

That potential fraud calls into question NASA in general and opens up a much, much larger issue.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
That's not true, sonhouse.
I'm more convinced now of the earth's shape than when I first considered the topic a few years ago.
I've made it a point to not dodge a single issue, to disallow anything to be glossed over with an easy-believe-ism or close-enough mentality.

This one issue is hardly the nail in the coffin for the entire discussion, at least ...[text shortened]... That potential fraud calls into question NASA in general and opens up a much, much larger issue.
Ok, you are not going to consider any evidence Earth is a globe. Got it loud and clear.

So continue your obsessions, don't mind running into mere truth. I think it is YOU who are being duped about the stupid football. Why don't you email NASA with your investigation and see what they say? Hell, inform Trumpf, he'll no doubt fall right in line, maybe he will stop funding NASA. How bout that? That would satisfy your conspiracy bullshyte wouldn't it?

BTW, haven't heard from your bosum buddy Seitse, such a wonderful guy. Could it be he has had his PP slapped and can't post for a few weeks?

Maybe it shows you not to engage in prejudiced talk like race, sexual orientation, age and the like? You don't even seem to think there is anything wrong making alzheimer jokes to a 75 yo. It's just the same as calling an African American nigger.

Especially me, who am working full time and driving 160 miles a day round trip commute doing it. I know my field very well and I can get at least 3 Phd's and 3 engineers to vet me on that one, so don't EVEN go there, and inferring I am bullshyting about my job or what I have done in the past.

Originally posted by sonhouse
Ok, you are not going to consider any evidence Earth is a globe. Got it loud and clear.

So continue your obsessions, don't mind running into mere truth. I think it is YOU who are being duped about the stupid football. Why don't you email NASA with your investigation and see what they say? Hell, inform Trumpf, he'll no doubt fall right in line, maybe he w ...[text shortened]... on't EVEN go there, and inferring I am bullshyting about my job or what I have done in the past.
Yeah, I have been known to be quite the prick sometimes.
I apologize.
The fact of the matter is, we've had protracted conversations in the past wherein I sat enthralled by your recollections of the many musical adventures you've experienced.
Even if our musical tastes weren't overlapping, your story is exceedingly important to the whole development of music that matters.
Along with several others, I regard you as a type of throw-back to the time when natural curiosity and refusal to give up led to people figuring things out.
Your intuition and skill on those levels far exceeds any super-power I imagine for myself.

All of that acknowledgement doesn't change my disagreement on this issue, given what I have researched, found, challenged and etc..
But despite that disagreement, it doesn't excuse me being an ass.
Please forgive me.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Yeah, I have been known to be quite the prick sometimes.
I apologize.
The fact of the matter is, we've had protracted conversations in the past wherein I sat enthralled by your recollections of the many musical adventures you've experienced.
Even if our musical tastes weren't overlapping, your story is exceedingly important to the whole development of m ...[text shortened]... and etc..
But despite that disagreement, it doesn't excuse me being an ass.
Please forgive me.
Well said and I do forgive you. In spite of Sietes's accusations and inuendo, I in fact did work several years in Thailand on NKP airforce base working 'troposcatter microwave communications systems' and in fact worked on Andros Island on AUTEC and in fact worked at Goddard and trained on Apollo tracking and timing and in fact worked in Israel for 4 years as a contractor to Intel teaching their techs in formal classroom setting the physics of the ion Implanter and in fact also one of my sons, Kevin graduated from the Angican international school in Jerusalem. I have absolutaly no reason to lie about any of that and I can tell you internal things about all of those jobs nobody on Google would ever find out.

So let's not continue to obsess over that or a freaking football. Try to think out the implications of a magnetic field that meets at both poles. That alone blows out a flat Earth. The fields would HAVE to go to the edges of a flat planet, but worse than that, there would be practically ZERO field in the first place if Earth was 7 miles deep or so as you imply with your Russian drilling story.

It takes a LOT of energy to make a planet wide magnetic field and that comes from moving liquid conductors deep inside the Earth and it changes century by century and has actually flipped polarities a number of times in the past few million years.

How do they know? Because between Africa and South America, those two continents have been steadily receding from one another, going back in time a hundred million years or so they were connected and you can just look at a map today and see the fact that the two match like hand and glove but on the ocean floor there are crazy cracks and such that have been mapped out and looking closesly at the magnetic field held in place like the old analog magnetic tapes, they record the past magnetic field strength and can see the times when they flip polarity.

Not only that, they can clearly see the separation of the continents in a very long line on the bottom of the ocean about halfway between them, magma is oozing up from underneath and when it cools it records the polarity and strength of the magnetic field as it is at the time the oozing magma cools and the magnetic field is held in place permanently and will be there ten million years from now and can be easily read with the proper magnetic detectors.

We have hall effect detectors that can easily read those captured DC magnetic fields, I bought one for our company, it's about the size of an old transistor radio and can be zero'd out and you can read magnetic field strength of anything near the hall effect detector. I use it to measure the magnetic field strength of my targets which has a layer of stuff to be deposited, Silicon Carbide, Silicon Dioxide, Aluminum or whathave you, it's about a quarter inch thick, and 5X14 odd inches long soldered to a copper backing plate with Indium and that mated to the magnetic structure, a ring of magnets around the inner perifery and a line of opposite polarity inside that.

A good one measures about 2000 gauss and some of the are losing in going down to 500 odd gauss which upsets the deposition rate of our sputtering tool.
Anyway enough of that, just pointing out that Earth's magnetic field is fundamentally important to all life on the planet, without one we turn into Mars in a few hundred thousand years, atmosphere gone eaten away by solar radiation no longer held in check by our wonderful protective field we have now.

The gist of all that is, a flat planet would be absolutely incapable of generating a magnetic field, there would be no room for liquid motions that generate such a field and the one inside Earth is several thousand miles wide a spherical blob of swirling metallic conductive stuff that by swirling around generates electric currents which forces a magnetic field to be born and if that stuff underneath ever solidifies, like the center of the Moon, the magnetic field would stop the moment the currents stop being generated.
Just like a household generator, no gas, engine stops, no electricity.

So visualize why for instance, why there are Aurora Australialis, the Southern lights. Can't happen on a flat planet. The southern lights are a direct and I mean exactly that, DIRECT result of the magnetic field of Earth converging on the south pole. There would NEVER be a southern light phenomena if Earth was flat, maybe still northern lights but not southern lights EVER. And I think for sure, no northern lights either since a flat planet cannot have the internal ingredients to make a dynamic field like we enjoy here on Earth.

I would bloody well like for you to really think about that and get off the football kick.

Originally posted by sonhouse
Well said and I do forgive you. In spite of Sietes's accusations and inuendo, I in fact did work several years in Thailand on NKP airforce base working 'troposcatter microwave communications systems' and in fact worked on Andros Island on AUTEC and in fact worked at Goddard and trained on Apollo tracking and timing and in fact worked in Israel for 4 years ...[text shortened]... h.

I would bloody well like for you to really think about that and get off the football kick.
Will do.
I'll go over them in the next few days.

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Will do.
I'll go over them in the next few days.
Here is a bit about seafloor spreading between South America and Africa:


There is an animation there but I can't find the video I saw of the actual bubbling up of magma from under the ocean, like two conveyor belts butted up against each other, going in opposite directions with stuff forcing its way between the belts, the belts carry the stuff away from each other and when that molten rock solidifies, it carries with it the recording of the magnetic field at the time the rock freezes out.

Earth's magnetic field is dynamic, not like a big bar magnet buried underground. A permanent magnet like that would never change but Earth's magnetic field changes all the time, in fact totally flipping its polarity so what was the north pole of the field say in the north flips and now the south pole of the field resides near the north pole. The magnetic field doesn't even care about the poles, it emerges from the ground quite a distance away from actual true north, now that is called "magnetic north'' and the same at the south pole. And it drifts around slowly, noticeable movement of the field in just ten years. I know that one for a fact because when I was in the USAF my field was bomb nav which entails airborne radar and the navigation equipment of the bombing run, which guides the plane automatically the last 50 miles or so with no need for pilot intervention. And the magnetic compass had to be updated every ten years because the headings would be off by an amount that would ruin the accuracy of a bombing run.
Now that is just a backup for GPS but back then it was all they had.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH

This is NASA's video, the title of which I previously provided.
There is no other conduit or host site: it originated from NASA and remains on their You Tube account.
So what the hell is your point?

The date on this video is Feb. 1, 2017.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
So what the hell is your point?

The date on this video is Feb. 1, 2017.
How did that football get to ISS? Before the names of the teams to play in the Superbowl were not known yet?

Originally posted by Suzianne
So what the hell is your point?

The date on this video is Feb. 1, 2017.
Are you asking me to repeat everything I've already typed out, or can you just go back and read those posts?

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Are you asking me to repeat everything I've already typed out, or can you just go back and read those posts?
So you are ok replying to Suz, but you said you would get back to my post in a few days but you answer her first.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
So you are ok replying to Suz, but you said you would get back to my post in a few days but you answer her first.
I'm still looking at your stuff.
Her's was an easy reply!

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I'm still looking at your stuff.
Her's was an easy reply!
Here are some other objections to a flat Earth: Explain Analemma


And this: I just thought of this one:

So a globe Earth, you fly a plane on the equator. You set your autopilot to fly straight ahead turning neither left or right, flying right on an imaginary line that is the equator.

Try doing that on a flat Earth, where the 'equator' has to be a circle on top of a flat surface.

Try flying that circle without changing directions, you end up flying at a tangent from the circle line, in other words, to keep on the flat Earth "equator' you have to keep turning left or right depending on what direction you are traveling.

In fact a plane can fly on the REAL equator, and fly in a straight line and will in fact come back to where the plane started if they fly in it long enough.

On your flat Earth, that is impossible. FLATASSS impossible.

Originally posted by sonhouse
Here are some other objections to a flat Earth: Explain Analemma


And this: I just thought of this one:

So a globe Earth, you fly a plane on the equator. You set your autopilot to fly straight ahead turning neither left or right, flying right on an imaginary line that is the equator.

Try doing that on ...[text shortened]... d if they fly in it long enough.

On your flat Earth, that is impossible. FLATASSS impossible.
I won't go into every point you've raised, but I will offer one website for your consideration:


Of course, this still doesn't satisfy the question of the football, but there is plenty of technical information for those so inclined.

1 edit

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I won't go into every point you've raised, but I will offer one website for your consideration:


Of course, this still doesn't satisfy the question of the football, but there is plenty of technical information for those so inclined.
So instead of researching what I posted you are dragging up more anti Nasa BS.

Why don't you answer the stuff I mentioned having nothing to do with NASA. Like the magnetic field of Earth, like the analemma dilemma, the dilemma is of course for the flatassers since they maintain the tiny sun a few thousand miles up is in a circular motion somehow, above this flat Earth. Even if they figure out a rationale for the analemma a tiny sun a few thousand miles up from Earth will produce heating effects not seen in real life. For instance, say the tiny sun is in fact 2000 miles high. Then the place on the flat Earth closest to it will recieve 100% of the sun but at the same time a place on Earth say 2000 miles away from dead closest will recieve not 50% but 25% AT THE SAME TIME OF DAY. You are probably familiar with the inverse square law of radiation from a round object, at distance A, you get A but at distance 2A you don't get half you get the square of half, or one fourth and at distance 3 A you don't get one third you get one NINTH so at 2000 miles away from the center line connecting Earth to sun you would be getting not 1300 watts per square meter but one fourth that, or 325 watts per square meter.
Then at 3000 miles from the centerline, not 1300 watts per square meter but 144 watts per square meter. 4000 miles way, 1/16th or a mere 80 watts per square meter.

So at the same time say that sun is right over NYC, it gets 1300 watts per square meter but on the west coast it would get like 100 watts. That clearly does not happen, say at noon in NYC we actually get 1300 watts, but that would be say 9 AM in California and they get far more than 100 watts.

Get the picture here? The sun cannot be that close because of the results of the inverse square law. Now if the flatassers want to deny even the inverse square law let them prove it, otherwise their close sun hypothesis is busted. That puts the sun at 93 million miles away like we have figured for 300 years.

Now, do you understand that one argument, forget frigging NASA, look at that one thing.

Originally posted by sonhouse
So instead of researching what I posted you are dragging up more anti Nasa BS.

Why don't you answer the stuff I mentioned having nothing to do with NASA. Like the magnetic field of Earth, like the analemma dilemma, the dilemma is of course for the flatassers since they maintain the tiny sun a few thousand miles up is in a circular motion somehow, above t ...[text shortened]... ars.

Now, do you understand that one argument, forget frigging NASA, look at that one thing.
The position of the sun in relation to the earth is a bit problematic no matter what model is used.
It could be said to be twice the size and twice the distance, half the size, half the distance and so forth.
However, its path through the sky is not open for debate.
Take eclipses for example.
Watch the path of totality on earth and it becomes apparent that path does not align with a globe no matter what distance the sun actually is from the earth.

That NASA Has serious integrity issues cannot be easily dismissed, since the overwhelming majority of the population's understanding about the shape of the earth is reliant upon images and claims made by the organization.
Even those who study other disciplines seemingly related to the shape of the earth cannot conclusively rule out a flat earth, given all particulars.

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