Good Morning RHP,
It is 6:05 am here in the big woods. I am just sitting down and having some coffee getting ready to head out into the woods. Last night we got to deer camp at 5:00pm, turned on the heat in the cabin and headed off to the Lutheran church to have baked ham, augraten potatoes, beans, and some indescribable hot dish. All you could eat for $8.00.
The sun will be coming up in about an hour and I expect to be up in my stand on the ridge in about a half hour. We used to be sitting in our stands by now (back in the day) ,but the deer don’t start moving when it’s damp until about 9:00 or 10:00. The weather report is saying that it will snow maybe today just north of us and that it is likely we will be rained on (if it wasn’t going to be so cold that would not be too bad).
My cousins are all up and probably sitting in the dark right now listening to the leaves falling to the ground. There old man is a fanatic and lives for deer season. Poor B@stards!
Originally posted by RingtailhunterI'd feel a bit more for the deer. Watch out for crossfire, it sounds like everyone's going to be trigger happy. Hopefully there might be enough left to eat.
Poor B@stards!
ahh, Hunting is a blast. 😛 I just shot a 6x6 elk, (Scored 300) I chased this thing for hours, Finally called it in, shot it with a Compound Bow 6 yards away from me, and I got a mule deer with a bow, shot it 35 yards away, It scored 170 B/C It made the Pope and Young Record book, and is currenty #47 in the state of Wyoming, and #3 in my county
My brother Shot an elk this year with a 30-06, scored 365 inches B/C
Originally posted by flyUnityMine got away . Right after shooting her 3 times a white-out blizzard came down the mountain . (And I do mean right after ! The 3rd shot was still echoing when the snow started dumping .) Visibility went down to near zero for 20 minutes ......... I lost her .
ahh, Hunting is a blast. 😛 I just shot a 6x6 elk, (Scored 300) I chased this thing for hours, Finally called it in, shot it with a Compound Bow 6 yards away from me, and I got a mule deer with a bow, shot it 35 yards away, It scored 170 B/C It made the Pope and Young Record book, and is currenty #47 in the state of Wyoming, and #3 in my county
My brother Shot an elk this year with a 30-06, scored 365 inches B/C
Searched for over 5 hours through some really heavy stuff . All trace was washed away in melting snow .
I'm heartbroken . This is only the second animal of any kind I've lost in 30 years of hunting .
Hope all of you guys fair better .
Originally posted by Moldy CrowI know what you mean, I got in a white out after getting my elk, and I got lost trying to find my way back, that was a scary feeling, From now on, whenever Im not a horses, Im gonna bring my trusty GPS 😛
Mine got away . Right after shooting her 3 times a white-out blizzard came down the mountain . (And I do mean right after ! The 3rd shot was still echoing when the snow started dumping .) Visibility went down to near zero for 20 minutes ......... I lost her .
Searched for over 5 hours through some really heavy stuff . All trace was washed away in melt ...[text shortened]... ond animal of any kind I've lost in 30 years of hunting .
Hope all of you guys fair better .
Well the weekend is over and I have no deer to show for my effort. We had 6 in our party that fairly covered the ridge we hunt above the swamp. My cousin brian shot a 4 point buck Sunday morning. It was pretty wet out and nothing wanted to move. The grouse were sitting in the trees and you could have knocked them out with a stone. I was talking to a guy with another party that was hunting the ridge and he had seen 3 timber wolves early saturday morning. That explained alot about why the deer were so few. I crept up on two Sunday morning but was unable to get a shot. I wont be hunting next weekend but will try to get out there for the last weekend.
Originally posted by Ringtailhunternowdays whenever I see wolves around I go to a different area, I cant wait till the feds open season on them. In Wyoming here, currently less then 8% of elk calves survives its first year, thx to wolves
Well the weekend is over and I have no deer to show for my effort. We had 6 in our party that fairly covered the ridge we hunt above the swamp. My cousin brian shot a 4 point buck Sunday morning. It was pretty wet out and nothing wanted to move. The grouse were sitting in the trees and you could have knocked them out with a stone. I was talking t ...[text shortened]... shot. I wont be hunting next weekend but will try to get out there for the last weekend.