The inside of the cap on the bottle of Mountain Dew I bought yesterday tells me I've won a free song at iTunes.
I wanted to get a particular Paul McCartney song as my prize, but alas, they have no Paul McCartney songs at iTunes. Then I thought I'd get a particular song from Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks album. But they had no songs from that album either. Call me an old fogey, but I couldn't find any songs that I really wanted at iTunes at all. I don't want to waste my free song prize on just anything.
So I thought I would rely on the judgement of people who barely know me instead and make a contest out of it. To help you with your selection, I will tell you that I already have all the Pink Floyd CDs and don't need any more Simon and Garfunkle. No country or rap, please.
Oh...the person who suggests the song I download will win the contest. There is no prize, but they will have won nonetheless.
Originally posted by rwingettThat must mean I am old-fogeyer than you are. Black Pearl was probably recorded by Sonny Charles along about 1966.
They have a song called "Black Pearl" by someone called "The Black Label Society", but none by Sonny Charles & the Checkmates. They didn't have anything by him, actually.