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Near Death experiences

Near Death experiences



03 Dec 03
02 Jul 04
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Originally posted by rwingett
This is proof (or an extremely strong indication) that there is no god. What sort of omnipotent and omnificent being would come up with such a poor example of design as having the throat and the windpipe in such dangerous proximity to each ...[text shortened]... to swallow, but why don't you chew on the problem for a while. 🙂
I am going to sue God for making that ledge slippery and slanted.


03 Dec 03
02 Jul 04
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Originally posted by LivingLegend
Final Destination is movie about the death, it has a plan... in that plan stands when and where you die, that's about it, a terrible movie... 😕

I wish the plan was that the makers of that movie had died before they came up with the idea for it .


03 Dec 03
02 Jul 04
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When I had my tonsils out, I woke up during the surgery. I thought I was dying. I was unable to move, buty I could hear the machines (the one that goes PING) and the people talking. I could feel the horrible pain of them hacking at my tonsils. About that time I heard them say that I was coming out of it and they increased the anesthesia. It was very scary. I thought I was dying.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
02 Jul 04
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Originally posted by rgoudie
Your argument was solid up until you included this bit. You are simply <i>assuming</i> that choking to death serves no purpose. Therefore, all conclusions reached from that assertion are weakened.

One strategy typically used by christian apologists to try to circumvent the problem of evil is to claim that god allows (or causes) evil to happen because it contributes to the greater good by serving some moral, or instructive purpose. God allows murder and theft in his creation so that people will learn that murder and theft are evil, and will hopefully learn to do good instead. They claim that all evils, therefore, are necessary evils.

The typical rebuttal to this is to observe that while some evils may contribute to an overall good, some clearly do not. Natural disaster, like earthquakes, clearly serve no moral, or instructive purpose. They just happen; there are no moral consequences involved. Likewise, choking to death serves no instructive purpose, except to teach you to thoroughly chew your food before swallowing, which is only necessary in the first place because of the human design flaw.


Zeist, Holland

11 Sep 03
02 Jul 04
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Um people, this thread is about near-death experiences. If you want to talk Christian, you can eat your heart out in the Discussions forum.


19 Aug 02
02 Jul 04
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I was riding my push bike doing fast S turns. My peddle dug into the ground and I was thrown head first onto the ground. When I fell my head literally hit first I could not get my hands out fast enough. I was wearing a helmet and only got very bad headache. No helmet would have been very bad.

Happy Snappies Clan!


09 Oct 03
02 Jul 04
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I was about two years old and i was at the beach with my family and some of their friends. Their friends were supposed to be watching me and i wondered off to follow someone and went into a rock pool near the waters edge and got my foot stuck and i was drowning, a elderly gentleman saved me by jumping in after me. As young as i was i have a picture of this elderly white haired man covered in blood (he had cut all his legs open scambling to reach me in the rock pool to save my life). i have a lot to thank that man for because i would of been a goner for sure. Needless to say my mother had a few choice words for her friends who were supposed to be watching me for a few minutes.

Crocster (The Glad To Be Here!)


03 Dec 03
02 Jul 04
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I fell down a mountain.
I was riding a horse up a really rocky, steep, cactus-covered mountain, when the horse went crazy. He was bucking and rearing and finally he jumped up and I hit my head on a tree banch and was knocked out and off.
I rolled over every rock, stick, cacti and anything sharp and scratchy and hard on the slope. It hurt.

Krackpot Kibitzer

Right behind you...

27 Apr 02
02 Jul 04
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Originally posted by rwingett
This is proof (or an extremely strong indication) that there is no god. What sort of omnipotent and omnificent being would come up with such a poor example of design as having the throat and the windpipe in such dangerous proximity to each other? There are two examples in this thread of people who have come perilously close to death due to such shoddy desig ...[text shortened]... ist.

I know that's a lot to swallow, but why don't you chew on the problem for a while. 🙂
The question extends beyond the windpipe and throat. Why would a good God bring into existence a world like ours where imperfection is rife? Why can't we all be in heaven already? I'd like to hear believers' answers to this question! Here's my own suggestion, as an agnostic. Perhaps it is because only in such an imperfect world is it possible to realize second-order goods that could not be realized in a perfect world. In the absence of real danger and contingency, for example, the virtues of fortitude and bravery could not exist. Hence, God made a world like this so that they could. Evil is the price we pay for that. Opinion differs as to whether the price is worth it. I think it might be, especially if finite human suffering were counterbalanced by a longer or infinite period of heavenly existence later. But that is fairly suppositional.


Krackpot Kibitzer

Right behind you...

27 Apr 02
02 Jul 04
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Well, I guess I should stick to the forum topic too. I nearly choked once on a boiled sweet, but luckily it went down. I also nearly plugged myself into an electrical socket with a metal object. For some reason, the door of the room I was in was ajar, as was the room on the opposite side of the adjoining hallway, and my father just happened to be looking through the narrow vista, at me about to cut my life short, and screamed a timely rebuke. That always struck me as providential.



03 Dec 03
04 Jul 04
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Did any of you have the &quot;life flashing before your eyes&quot; experience?

The Godfather


29 Jan 02
05 Jul 04
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A couple of years ago i almost drowned in the surf off the east coast of Australia. In fact, i thought i was a goner - i was caught in an undertow, my body board had been swept away by a big wave, and i was being carried out to sea with metre+ waves washing over me. I could feel my muscles becoming fatigued, and couldn't make my predicament known to the few people back on shore. for a moment it occurred to me to just stop struggling and get it over with, since there seemed to be no hope. however, i decided to just concentrate on floating on my back, and hold out as long as possible. this was fortunate, because eventually an experienced surf swimmer came out with his surfboard and helped me back to shore. part of the problem was, i grew up in Melbourne, where we do our swimming in a comparatively calm bay, and wasn't fully aware of the dangers of some surf beaches. The thoughts i remember having were regret at all the things i hadn't yet got around to doing, a kind of anger at dying in such a stupid way, and regret that my mum would get the news just before Christmas. they say there are no atheists in foxholes, but i didn't have a religious thought at all throughout. nor did my life flash before my eyes, although that did happen years ago when i thought i was going to be cleaned up by a car skidding in the wet...


29 Jul 01
05 Jul 04
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I do not know if I could call these near death, but the car stoped before it hit me and the bullets missed me. I am still bullet proof.

Krackpot Kibitzer

Right behind you...

27 Apr 02
05 Jul 04
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Originally posted by elvendreamgirl
Did any of you have the "life flashing before your eyes" experience?
I had a &quot;wife flashing before my eyes experience&quot;. I'd like to repeat it...

Krackpot Kibitzer

Right behind you...

27 Apr 02
05 Jul 04
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Originally posted by Pawnokeyhole
I had a "wife flashing before my eyes experience". I'd like to repeat it...
Preferably with my own wife this time...

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