@old-indian saidI certainly wouldn't hire anyone who wasn't who they said they were.
you going to hire me or not eh?
you thread stealer eh?
As far as the thread is concerned, we've been the only two even chatting on it, and that is only because I saw you for what you were.
Now apology is required for all Natives.
@very-rusty saidI accept your apology eh?
I certainly wouldn't hire anyone who wasn't who they said they were.
As far as the thread is concerned, we've been the only two even chatting on it, and that is only because I saw you for what you were.
Now apology is required for all Natives.
@old-indian saidNo you are the one who needs to apologize for pretending to be Native when you are not! Shame on you!
I accept your apology eh?
@sonhouse saidWrong eh?
One thing, how come with black on your games I see a lot of French defense?
1...d6 is not even close to the french eh?
And a later ...e5.
I go for the Philidor/old indian formation eh?
Pawns on d6 and e5
Knights on f6 and d7
Bishop on e7
The french is an e6...d5 pawn chain eh?
31 Jan 20
@old-indian saidIs "eh?" a speech impediment, or something wrong with your keyboard? I'm asking a serious question, no hidden meaning or implication.
@old-indian saidI was thinking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Providence_Bay How long would 20k last me? I have many skills and hate society.
Canada eh?
Southern Ontario eh?
Minimum wage
Strong fit and handsome
Not gay eh?