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New Orleans.

New Orleans.


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No one seems to be in a hurry to help them, of course the majority of them are poor black people say no more.

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Originally posted by helden
No one seems to be in a hurry to help them, of course the majority of them are poor black people say no more.
It's a shocking situation 😕

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A damn major problem I can see from the news broadcasts from Bush and his 'buddies' is that they seem more concerned with oil supplies that are defficient, they went to detail in how they will get more foreign oil into the country. Little water, food and medicine are reaching the most needy, and the administration is doing another election (probably not presidential) next year, if they don't deliver to the needy (republicans) now they will lose out.

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Originally posted by helden
No one seems to be in a hurry to help them, of course the majority of them are poor black people say no more.
It's not that the majority of people living there are black, it's just that they seem to be giving photographers the best "Oh my god, our home is destroyed" faces. Tragedy exploitation at it's best. Wait for the movie.

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Here's 31 pictures of the flood:


By the way, I'm watching CNN news and a person who was interviewed said that the Army Core of Engineers had requested money to fix weak levys way before Katrina, and the money was allocated to do that; But then the Bush administration took the money away from the project and used it in the Iraq war!

ALSO, the reason that their aren't enough National Guards to help in this catastrophe is BECAUSE BUSH & CHENEY SENT THEM TO IRAQ!!!

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I'm not a big fan of the USA, but it is the most powerful (richest) nation in the world, surely they could have done more?

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Originally posted by Bad wolf
I'm not a big fan of the USA, but it is the most powerful (richest) nation in the world, surely they could have done more?
I wonder, what did the world do before we came along? I mean, WHO helped? Every disaster, were is the U.S.? Were is the U.S. ? Who helped before?
Don't get me wrong, charity begins at home. If you can help your nieghbor, you should. But the constant "Damn the U.S." is making me sick. Who helped before? The United States is the most giving country in the world! Without us MANY people in underdeveloped countries would starve. Period. Getting help to New Orleans on the scale needed isn't a matter of snapping your fingers and saying abra-cadabra....takes logistics and organization. I do believe they are looking for volunteers, if you can do a much better job, I'm sure they would welcome you with open arms.

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It is un-fing believable what has happened.

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I will say that the odd thin is that most of the people in the photo's that I have seen here in Minnesota have been of old white people in wheel chairs and black people. Is this the same everywhere else? Why is that?


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Originally posted by arrakis
Here's 31 pictures of the flood:


By the way, I'm watching CNN news and a person who was interviewed said that the Army Core of Engineers had requested money to fix weak levys way before Katrina, and the money was allocated to do that; But then the Bush administration ...[text shortened]... h National Guards to help in this catastrophe is BECAUSE BUSH & CHENEY SENT THEM TO IRAQ!!!
You do realize that they're putting together 30000 national guard and army troops in to help right? It takes time to put stuff together. It seems like the people are doing their best with what they can do, they can't get many busses and stuff in cause of the water. So what can they do besides what they're already doing?

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Originally posted by GalaxyShield
You do realize that they're putting together 30000 national guard and army troops in to help right? It takes time to put stuff together. It seems like the people are doing their best with what they can do, they can't get many busses and stuff in cause of the water. So what can they do besides what they're already doing?
It will NEVER, be enough......Anyone with an agenda needs to step back and think of why the are so rabidly critical. Axes to grind anyone?

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This disaster was years in the making. The apparent and almost total lack of preparedness on the part of FEMA and the Bush team is nothing short of criminal.
As an American citizen I am also deeply ashamed by how quickly so many of the ‘victims’ abandoned all sense of civility and turned on each other.

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Originally posted by ictoan
This disaster was years in the making. The apparent and almost total lack of preparedness on the part of FEMA and the Bush team is nothing short of criminal.
As an American citizen I am also deeply ashamed by how quickly so many of the ‘victims’ abandoned all sense of civility and turned on each other.
Well, to not sound like too much of a redneck...if it happened here and with the lawlessness of the situation I would do as I needed to protect and feed my family. That is just common sense to me. I would help who I could, but jeprodize my family....Look out!


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People should work more to help each other, it's often the best way to help themselves, greediness can get everyone killed sometimes. People should have two things down there: Morals and Intelligence.

And would you shoot at people coming to help you and everyone else??
I don't think you would, and I certainly hope not.

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