Originally posted by ArrakisBrief but carefully presented and supported criminal indictment of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Myers, and Condoleeza Rice for murder in the events of 9-11.
New online Video... just 18 minutes long...
Brief but carefully presented and supported criminal indictment of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Myers, and Condoleeza Rice for murder in the events of 9-11.
This video presents good evidence in a concise but powerful manner. It includes Larry Silverstein's admission that the explosives were ...[text shortened]... USAF (ret.), www.PatriotsFor911Truth.com
Demand a new investigation. Stand up. Be counted.
In the fine tradition of Joseph Goebbels.
All the best.
Originally posted by ArchaeopteryxI agree. Their thinking was to simply put out propaganda to influence people's thinking and then follow it up with the usual crap like "Praise the lord" and "support our troops".
I'm not convinced the government was directly complicit in 911. However, the CIA and its ilk do have a nasty history of pulling stuff normally reserved for conspiracy theorists. The coup in Chile that installed Pinochet for one, and Operation Northwoods for another.
Operation Northwoods in particular (see the declassified document here http://www. ...[text shortened]... son, I think, is do not underestimate crazy people. Especially those in your own government.
Ultimately, whether you are a Christian or not, each person has the responsibility to be able to reason things out for themselves. Afterall, if you are a Christian then you should realize that God gave you the ability to think for yourself!
Originally posted by NimzovichLarsenPopular Mechanics' explanation... It's all crap, guy. You believe it either because you want to believe it or are not a strong enough person to accept the truth.
Keeping an open mind is one thing, but believing FAR left lies is another. Popular mechanics, and MANY others, have already dis-proven all the conspiracy theories of 911. No explosives were used; no one had time to shoot down the plane that hit the pentagon. The whole thing was a massive screw up on our part, but these conspiracy theories are naus ...[text shortened]... t, but that's just me. But I don't even need this site to make what case was obvious on 911.
Originally posted by zeeblebotThat 'explanation' from Silverstein's employee almost sounds convincing. The only problem with it is that the fire-fighters abandoned the building several hours earlier.
Conspiracy theorists cite the 2002 PBS documentary America Rebuilds, in which Silverstein said: "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." Silverstein's spokesperson, Dara McQuillan, said in September 2005 that by "pull it" Silverstein was refe ...[text shortened]... fighters remaining in the building, and confirming that they should evacuate the premises.
Building 7, which was a massive 47 story skyscraper, collapsed straight down into its own footprint in 6.5 seconds, which is virtually free-fall speed. A demolition expert who was shown video clips of the collapse declared that it was definitely a controlled demolition.
NIST are supposed to be bringing out a final report very soon, which will provide the 'official' explanation of why the building collapsed. Maybe that will answer some of the questions. However I read somewhere that the scientists and engineers who have been commissioned by NIST have been forbidden from investigating anything that happened on the lower floors or basement of the building - which are the most likely places to plant explosives!
I'm deeply disturbed by this video. If the US government did conspire to trick the World into thinking the US was under attack, i find it unlikely that British and Australian intelligence would not be aware of it. If that is the case then they are complicit. What is my government doing backing a conspiracy to go to war? Where is the power being held here? IF the Governments of three of the richest countries in the World go to war over an event that was staged, what does that say about the votes of the people in those countries? If we had had a Conservative Government in power at the time instead of a Labour Government, i know full well they'd have gone to war as well! Who's pulling the strings?? We're basically picking a face to stand in front of the people who are really in charge! How are we ever going to escape this spiders web? The people of the World are being controlled by evil sea monsters, it's so clear to me now!! 🙁
I watched the new video from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth and it convinced me beyond a reasonable doubt that there were explosives used to take down the towers.
There MUST be a new investigation!
Also NIST ignored the eyewitness and photographic evidence of molten metal found at ground zero one month after 9/11. The NIST investigators were actually completely unaware of this.
Originally posted by ChessJesterWhat?
I watched the new video from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth and it convinced me beyond a reasonable doubt that there were explosives used to take down the towers.
There MUST be a new investigation!
Also NIST ignored the eyewitness and photographic evidence of molten metal found at ground zero one month after 9/11. The NIST investigators were actually completely unaware of this.
The U.S.A. with a cover up?
Noooo, can't be!