Originally posted by dweezilIt is a figure of speech in Manchester. 'Strangeways special'. Generally refers to very finely rolled cigarettes, but can mean using bizarre paraphernalia such as newspapers and envelopes and the likes. I'm trying to hit it on the head but it is very difficult. I keep going a few days then having a minor blip. On about 5 a week at the moment so i'm sort of getting there.
Can't say I've been there, but I DO know what its like to crave your fix.
Originally posted by dweezilYou could always use the crack addict method. Get a can (beer or coke or something like that). Wash it out, then press your thumb against the side to indent it. Get something sharp and make a small hole or two. Add bacci, smoke through the drinking hole. Just make sure no one sees you, it'll probably take a little explaining 😉
Can you make yourself a pipe from what you have on hand? Got any plumbing fittings for example?
Originally posted by dweezilWHOA!!! THere was an nespaper article about a 17 yr-old who used a newspaper to roll a joint... IT KILLED HIM!!! 🙁
Newspaper works in a pinch, just make sure it is fairly blank with no ink.
As far as a light goes, you gotta have a toaster for backup, don't you. Else heat up a stove element.