With White Women
Just out of curiosity, how's it going finding people to play?
<<Just out of curiosity, how's it going finding people to play?>> - kirk I was challanged by three people yesterday. You wanna play me, or are you too chicken? Pock, pock!
Sure, I'll send a game over.....after you earn my respect.
Slightly Left :D
Exactly...well put. Dave
Charleston SC. USA
Look, I'm an onlooker. Work your way up the ladder. The top players will respect you for that and we little guys will learn humility. Enjoy the site. There are a lot of great people here. John Little Grasshopper The Ambassador King Of Map
Well put John. Dave
Thanks Dave, Playing the top brass in any game is earned. Respect goes a long way. John The Ambassador Little Grasshopper King of Map
I'm your huckleberry...
I usually just read the forum but that's my favorite line. Nice one, doc!
Tombstone was a great flick...my favorite was always "I have not yet begun to defile myself" Well and of course.."You know Friedrich F**king Chopin" Ha! Dave
hell...i don't sweat you,huckleberry (thanx doc)...you've got yourself a challenge
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