OK... People are complaining that there's nothing on the forums, so
unless anyone objects I'd like to get your opinions.
My girlfriend is currently sulking with me because I am going to
Amsterdam, and admitted that I would probably smoke weed
(marajuana, ganga, pot...) while there. She's Argentinian, and drugs
aren't a social thing there, just a problem, and she thinks it'll lead to
harder things or a regular habit. Personally I see no difference to that
and having a drink.
You're all (mostly) intellegent people, but from a wide variety of
backgrounds and cultures; give me your 2 cents...
I'd rather suggest to visit the new Heinken museum. It's EUR 5.--
entrance which includes three glasses of beer. You may persuade the
barkeeper to give you more for free if you are a girl.
There is a kinda clean catholic youth hostel (next to the red light
district) which is possibly the cheapast option to stay in the centre
unless u know somebody there. Didn't try too much of the grass. It
tastes 'shit' to me anyway |-) ... I'd rather prefer to get drunk from a
bottle of wine.
If you don't think there is much difference to having a drink and your
not addicted to drink or drugs Why try it if you know it will cause her
worry?You might call it sulking,but it looks like she is concerned for
you.Do both of yourselves a favour and thank her and tell her your
not going to bother.
In my relationship with my wife, we have a simple understanding that
has kept peace for 23+ years: If something cannot be agreed upon
by both parties, we punt (pass on the item or make a decision later
with more info and agreement between us). It's a good rule of thumb
to keep peace and to grow in self-control. I always weigh whether I'm
keeping her best interest in mind, or just doing what I want to do
regardless of our relationship.
Drug free is the way to be.........a waste of time, money, and perfectly
good brain cells.........my advice, instead of buying weed, use that
money to buy her something nice! She'll be happy you didn't smoke
and more happy that you bought her something! Just because it's
legal there doesn't mean you should do it!
"Just say no."
-Nancy Reagan
Seriously though, weed is not a gateway drug, just because a large
proportion of hard drug users used marijuana prior to using hard
drugs. An overwhelming proportion of hard drug users also drank milk
as children. So what? Your girfriend needs to learn the difference
between relationships of correlation and relationships of causation.
However, if you say what I just said, half-way through she'll look at
you as though you are just ratiionalizing your behavior, not debating
her dubious assertions. So give up, you can't win. Alternatively you
could just do what you want, and then tell her what she wants to hear.
And bring her back a gift.. that works sometimes.
Married successfully for one year.