Originally posted by NordlysWhen you buy tickets for a Christmas party your ticket has a number on it. The people at the door take one half of your ticket and you keep the other half. At various points throughout the night someone calls out numbers from the tickets collected at the door. If your number is called you win a prize! 😀
What's a door prize?
They were giving away DVD players and digital camera ect. I got the mystery prize. 😉
Originally posted by mokkoWhen is a guy supposed to put moves on a girl? I've always been too fast according to what some people tell me. Then again, it's turned out very well in some cases!
I have a date! What a yucky feeling inside....What's the appriopriate time frame to cancell these sort of things? I'm not ready!!!!! And it's a formal thing, Christmas party....actually have to get all done up. What if he tries to put the moves on me???? I may have to punch his lights out. That wouldn't be a good thing would it? Been so long I don't even know what's the norm on a date anymore. This may require great intakes of alcohol. 😕