Originally posted by Raven69Actually after many PM's From Catfoodtim accussing me of being a liar and making allegations which were untrue, I did relent and send him exactly what Phlabs had said about him and Crowley both, also Russ.
You can't possibly be implying that one can know for sure what someone elses motives are?
So it wasn't something I just sent him, he asked ( NO BEGGED) to see what Phlabs had said and kept bothering me with several PM's untill I relented. But I will answer his post on this matter later when I have more time, my chess moves are more important actually.
EDIT: There are people that should be VERY embarrassed, and it isn't Very Rusty! 😉
Originally posted by Very Rustyhttp://www.friendlychristian.com/images/tattletale.jpg
Actually after many PM's From Catfoodtim accussing me of being a liar and making allegations which were untrue, I did relent and send him exactly what Phlabs had said about him and Crowley both, also Russ.
So it wasn't something I just sent him, he asked ( NO BEGGED) to see what Phlabs had said and kept bothering me with several PM's untill I relented. ...[text shortened]... post on this matter later when I have more time, my chess moves are more important actually.
Originally posted by catfoodtim
1) Very Rusty isn't lying about copying posts from someone's Private Forum in which Phlabibit comments on Crowley and me. They appear authentic. He copied them from a private forum into a PM to me. He also did the same with posts regarding Crowley, which I didn't ask for.
I) After receiving several P M 's from catfoodtim, calling me a liar and that I was spreading false accusations, I did send the post regarding what was said about Crowley, to prove I was not a liar, and to get him off my back about it.
That was not enough he continued with more P M's with more accusations of me being a liar and making false accusations (BEGGING ME) to send him a copy of what Phlabby had said about him. IT WAS NOT SOMETHING HE DID NOT REQUEST! -VR
2) I haven't seen any evidence from Very Rusty about his other claim.
2) I have spoken with the party concerned about this in P M, and what has been said I will keep private, unless the party wishes to make what was said public. -VR
3) Very Rusty is implying that Phlabibit has been found guilty of saying something untoward behind his clan mates' backs. He labelled Phlabibit a 'hypocrite'.
That isn't true.
What Very Rusty labels as 'insults' are exactly the same comments that Phlabibit has said in public and to me in private. What VR fails to appreciate is that the very comment that he claims is proof of Phlabs hypocrisy - that he called me A SCARED COWARD! - is a running joke. I've had worse insults from my 10 year old nephew, for God's sake.
3)Hypocrite: "One who pretends to be pious, virtuous, etc., without really being so" I think it fits personally.
What Phlabs called CFT was A SCARED COWARD to join TSM, and take his medicine. Also, that is not all that was said, there are two more sentences, which I can see why CFT would not want to put it in a public forum and I will not either.
That is some "Running Joke"! funny when we talked in PM it was CFT had worse insults from his wife, now that has changed to his 10 year old nephew...hmmm...guess it sounds better to say it that way huh. 😉 -VR
4) This whole episode is embarrassing for Very Rusty because it shows how desperate he is for attention. While technically he wasn't lying - he did copy Phlabibit's posts from a private forum - the motive behind his mischief shows him for the troll he really is.
4) As aforementioned, it was copied and sent to CFT after much (Begging from him to see it) That was the reason CFT, that I wanted you to ask RN for permission to go into TSM to look at it for yourself, because I knew you would try and make it look like some kind of a motive on my part! I know you too well!
Any embarrassment felt should be felt, by yourself, Crowley,and Rags, for calling me a liar, and accusing me of making false accusations. and also Phlabs himself for denying having said anything.
Why you would want to keep the ball rolling on this when you have already been proven wrong is beyond me. -VR
5) I'm not engaging any more with Very Rusty. He clearly has an obsession with Crowley and Phlabibit and I think its ridiculous.
5) So what CFT is saying here is that things will go back the same as they have been all along between him and I, untill he wants to know something from me again.
The obsession that you think I have with Crowley and Phlabby is only in your own mind CFT, and really quite ridiculous. I actually had a nice civil chat with Crowley last evening in PM's!
I will conclude by saying to you CFT, at least you were man enough to "Apologize, and admit that you were wrong"! I take my hat off to you Sir for that. It is more that either Rags, or Crowley did! -VR
Don't feed the troll, people.
High 5's and agree with you on that! -VR
Originally posted by Very RustyNice. It's a great summary of how much a muppet you really are.
Originally posted by catfoodtim
[b]1) Very Rusty isn't lying about copying posts from someone's Private Forum in which Phlabibit comments on Crowley and me. They appear authentic. He copied them from a private forum into a PM to me. He also did the same with posts regarding Crowley, which I didn't ask for.
I) After receiving several P M ...[text shortened]... feed the troll, people.
High 5's and agree with you on that! -VR[/b]