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Ordered chessmaster 9000

Ordered chessmaster 9000


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Just as a note... PGN from RHP does not paste into CM9K.

Here is how I translate it.

Paste the PGN to Winboard
Copy from Winboard
CM9K Edit... Paste PGN.

Other than that there is something wrong with the PGN at RHP... You might be able to edit it by hand to make it paste to CM9K.


[Site "Red Hot Pawn"]
[EventId "362066"]
[GameId "362066"]
[White "MTG"]
[Black "Phlabibit"]
[Result "*"]

1. e4 ... c5 2. Ng1f3


[Event "?"]
[Site "Red Hot Pawn"]
[Date "?"]
[Round "-"]
[White "MTG"]
[Black "Phlabibit"]
[Result "*"]
[EventId "362066"]
[GameId "362066"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3

Please also note this is a game I just started, and it is not loaded into CM9K.... I just used it as an example to show a short game with RHP PGN vs. Winboard PGN. RHP PGN will not paste to CM9K!

So once you convert the PGN of a finished game from RHP to CM9000 you can use the database and paste a game from the game room with import... or use the analysis feature to let CM9K think about the game and give you cool info like percents agreed and book moves, and missed mates.


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