<Takes off horned helmet and does a barbarian dance.>
*Thinks Hrotghar needs a human sacrifice for his barbarian gods* *Thinks the passed out Remora would be perfect and is likely to resist the least for the time being* Hey,Orky,do you have any rope?and a knife?
A galaxy far away
Originally posted by SirLoseALot Hey,Orky,do you have any rope?and a knife?
*wakes up and climbs back up the tree* *curses at orkboy and SirLoseALot* 😉
Your Blackened Sky
*puors water over the two love birds* erm-where do you keep your dictionary orkyboy? (cause i kinda can't spell. especailly with the odd one or two or three or four or...or...or... 😕)
Originally posted by genius *puors water over the two love birds* erm-where do you keep your dictionary orkyboy? (cause i kinda can't spell. especailly with the odd one or two or three or four or...or...or... 😕)
sarah etc 😉 and i can't spell-puors. seriously-i can't get my head around it 😕 like, puoring water...😞
*throws water balloons at genius, SirLoseALot, and orkyboy* haha!
*Uses genius as a shield to approach the tree with the evil balloonthrowing bat* *checks his flame-thrower*
Not Kansas
*Throws* another skid on the fire.
Brisbane, Australia
*Comes outside* Wtf...
Hey,Remora,come have a look at this.That bat looks exactly like you! Huh? 😕 Remora?That you,Remora? 😕
*Looks around for drugs* C'mon, you guys have gotta be on something.
*throws more water balloons at D43MON* *paintballs SirLoseALot in the shoulder* no SirLot, bats can't shoot guns, as you found out.
MEDIC!MEDIC!I'm hit! LOL Dang girl,what you doing hanging upside down in that tree?I almost torched you! 😲
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