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Orky's Online P@r+y


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Originally posted by SirLoseALot
Really?It's their all time best song,IMO.I'll finish it then 😀

And it came to pass
That rock 'n' roll was born
All across the land every rockin' band
Was blowin' up a storm
And the guitar man got famous
The business man got rich
And in every bar there was a superstar
With a seven year itch

There was fifteen million fingers
Learnin' ...[text shortened]... oooooooooooock

Now I gotta clean up the mess I made here,knocking stuff off my desk 😉

By whom is it?

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Originally posted by Ghanima Atreides
By whom is it?
AC/DC,Let there be rock,from the album,Let there be rock 🙂

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*Turns off AC/DC and puts on the moe. CD "Wormwood."*

*Hits on the hottest chick at the party and gets shot down.* 😳

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*Turns off moe. as soon as the song "Bullet" ends. Puts on The Beastie Boys' "Check Your Head" CD*

*Hits on the second hottest chick at the party...*

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What luck are you having? Been too busy to post for a bit? 😉

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Originally posted by orkyboy
In memory of the Meet SirLoseALot thread in the Meet Opponents forum

Drinks are on me!

p.s. I wanted some more alliteration but the only thing I could think of to replace party was orgy 😳
Man, you know I'm offline more today than on! And you have a party!? Gah!

Get me a drink, and I'll be back ASAP!

Cya Orks!


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Bring some more beers back. Fridge emptying fast...

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Pops in, brings some guinness, changes CD from Beastie Boys as it finishes, pops in The Trooper by Iron Maiden, pulls a moonie at all the hot chicks and joins the party, plays air guitar, head bangs. then passes out.........nitey nite

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*Wraps eyegpc in toiletpaper while he's passed out*

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Right. He's passed out- off with the Maiden. I think we'll have...Iggy. Mmmm. Good Guiness

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What a good idea, an online party. *Reaches* and gets a Smirnoff's Ice©; nods politely at the ladies and drops a rook

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*Is back after a long censored session with one of the fat and ugly chicks (Name forgotton)

*burb* still some of that Guiness left that Robbo brought

*leans against the wall and re-consideres his stomach feeling*

Cach u lattta

*passes out on the hard stone floor*

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*starts to regain consciousness*
*opens eyes*
*vision obscured by something papery*
*creates some eyeholes*
*vision slowly comes back whoaa, I've been mummified*
*tilts head and spots Boris lying some distance across the floor*
*passes out again*

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*Comes to the party LATE!
*Needs a beer....
*Steps over a mummy
*Slaps five with SlowP
*Looks at Nico and says... 'Geesh, you are a guy!?'
*Sees Sir and whispers... 'he better not want a chess game'!
*gives ncros a wink
*finds a beer
*finds another
*finds another
*Orky says, slow down on the beers!
*says, 'Been a hard day! Got some catchin up to do!
*asks... 'got a deck of cards'?
*looks around room to see who I've missed.
*Starts sippin a new beer to last another 2 hours.....
*YELLS, 'ParTay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooo'!
*Asks... Where's Everyone?!

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*trips over eyegpc,falls and breaks one of orkyboy's favorite orks*


EDIT: ork's are breakable,aren't they?

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