I'm having he11 with a player here. Let me describe the situation. My opponent has a king and two pawns. I have most of my army. We haven't said two words throughout the game. Today, he decides to open chat with " Do you use an engine?" First, I contacted the site to see if making false accusations is allowed. With my next move, I replied " No I do not use an engine. I am offended that you would make an accusation. I have contacted feedback about this. "
His response was I was just asking if you use an engine. I wasn't implying you cheated. You chose to get offended. I replied " After all these moves, now you open conversation with do you use an engine. You think I have no right to get offended. OK" I figured he would let it go. Wrong. His new move says " I wasn't accusing you of anything. I just wanted to know if you use Deep Fritz or something to analyse. You really overreacted. It makes you look guilty." There was accusation number two, in a message that started I wasn't accusing you. π I contacted feedback again. I then added him to my ignore list. Otherwise, this guy would go on not-accusing me all night. My closing message was " You can say whatever you want from here on. I have added you to my ignore list and won't be reading it. I have contacted the site again. "
I don't think he was ever interested in whether I use Deep Fritz when I'm not playing. Why choose that to make conversation?
Did I handle the situation correctly?
By the way the sore loser is inthegreenroom and the game is still in progress. Please don't make any remarks about the actual game.
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsDo you? π
I'm having he11 with a player here. Let me describe the situation. My opponent has a king and two pawns. I have most of my army. We haven't said two words throughout the game. Today, he decides to open chat with " Do you use an engine?" First, I contacted the site to see if making false accusations is allowed. With my next move, I replied e is still in progress. Please don't make any remarks about the actual game.
Originally posted by paulbuchmanfromficsYou should just have said no, I don;'t need an engine to beat you and left it at that.
I'm having he11 with a player here. Let me describe the situation. My opponent has a king and two pawns. I have most of my army. We haven't said two words throughout the game. Today, he decides to open chat with " Do you use an engine?" First, I contacted the site to see if making false accusations is allowed. With my next move, I replied ...[text shortened]... e is still in progress. Please don't make any remarks about the actual game.
Originally posted by FeastboyThere is such a thing as a good name/reputation, at least where I live. If someone accuses you of stealing, you don't just smile. You get them straight. That's how I took it, him asking me if I was doing something crooked. People don't go around attacking other people's character. The accuser needs to be exposed for what HE IS. Rather than get into a heated confrontation, I decided to let the site step in.
Just say 'no' kids.
No point going round pointing fingers, or 'telling' on someone who is just asking a question, even if it is accusatory. Seems like an over-reaction to me