@david-burton saidI do everything with my left hand, except carrying an umbrella.
I am left handed,footed and eyed.everything on my right side is stronger althogh i do use my mouse in my left hand and type with my right and yes I do have large sausage fingers.
A servant carries that.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidHad the exact same issue with a pickle jar. Apparently there are seals that can be snapped by sticking a butter knife in it. Once those are broken, the jar is no problem opening.
I have a superhuman wrist. (I'm sure there's a joke in there for some rascal). Never encountered a jar I couldn't open,...until today. Wife handed me the jar of gherkins expectantly and the effort nearly killed me. Pretty sure the lid was superglued on. That must be it. - Eventually opened it with the aid of a running hot tap and a damp tea towel.
Is there a more trusted method of opening jars or should I just give up eating pickles?
@david-burton saidI only write left handed, everything else - cutlery, racquets, snooker, mouse, shooting, throwing etc is right handed.
I am left handed,footed and eyed.everything on my right side is stronger althogh i do use my mouse in my left hand and type with my right and yes I do have large sausage fingers.
No jarring... I suppose Jesus was a 'righty' if his father wanted him to sit on his right hand. God uses his left jab to make the enemies a footstool for his son/himself.
I'll spill the beans too. I was going to say I'm left-handed, but I can't truly say it, because when using a pen, fork, and knife, I'm a "righty." Technically, I'm partially ambidextrous.
Was being left-handed ever considered to be a sin? Perhaps Eve picked the fruit off the tree with her left hand? That's taking the lid off Pandora's box.
@kilroy70 saidBy closing your eyes, and chanting, do you become one with the jar?
One of my daughters (a teenager at the time) came to me with a pickle jar she couldn't open. I told her to try it again with her eyes shut, so she did and the lid came off.
I have a theory as to why this often works, but would like to first see if anyone else has tried this.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidIs that like an umbrella policy from an insurance company, Prudential? Is your servant left-handed too?
I do everything with my left hand, except carrying an umbrella.
A servant carries that.
@pettytalk saidI have never asked my servant. We rarely talk.
Is that like an umbrella policy from an insurance company, Prudential? Is your servant left-handed too?
@ghost-of-a-duke saidI'm not claiming this aways works, but it has worked the few times I've struggled with a stubborn lid.
By closing your eyes, and chanting, do you become one with the jar?
I believe the reason has more to do with psychology than with mysticism or chance.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidHe serves your every gesture? I had an uncle who taught my cousins, his two sons, how to read his facial expressions of approval and disapproval of their actions; facial sign language.
I have never asked my servant. We rarely talk.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidThe twins are sure to fact-check your left-handed Einstein. One of them seems to be a relatively expert on time and space.
Albert Einstein was left handed. (And Ned Flanders).
@divegeester saidMaybe chess is a right-brain activity,
Left handed people are only about 10% of the population.
Otherwise, I don't get it.
I mean, one might expect a bit of 'me too' mentality, but this seemed excessive.