12 Sep 19
@sahuaro saidThe three of us turned 86 this year.
Wait! They can't be the same age!!
@handyandy saidIf it were up to me, I'd say you've earned another 86, Andy.
The three of us turned 86 this year.
12 Sep 19
@very-rusty saidAs I remember him back in RI, he was a gentleman with a twinkle in his eye.
You should have seen the one from a Decade ago, he has aged as have we all!!!
Some how I could wind up with the blame for him aging! 😉
12 Sep 19
@great-big-stees saidYup that is what Phlabs told me also, I haven't as yet to see that. I'd love to meet him in person. I am sure he is completely different than on here! Not many live to be his age, he must have looked after himself and had good genes!! 😉
As I remember him back in RI, he was a gentleman with a twinkle in his eye.
12 Sep 19
@handyandy saidAndy you were born before T.V., You've seen many changes in this world, been through a few wars to boot. Did you serve in the Military?
Thanks, Suzi. I couldn't handle another 86, but I'd be pleased to proceed on this long and winding road a day at a time.
@very-rusty saidWhy do you ask?
Andy you were born before T.V., You've seen many changes in this world, been through a few wars to boot. Did you serve in the Military?
12 Sep 19
@very-rusty saidIt isn't a secret.
Hey if it is a secret that is fine!
The question is, why do you ask?
@handyandy saidJust curious, I had an uncle who served in the 2nd world war and another who was in the military but during peace time. I would have been too young for either first or second war. Actually wasn't born till they were both over. I know a lot of Americans migrated to Canada during the Vietnam war, because they didn't believe in it so I was told by the few I spoke with. They became Canadian citizens.
It isn't a secret.
The question is, why do you ask?
12 Sep 19
@very-rusty saidI think you've acquired Grampy Bobby's habit of gleaning personal information from others for use in future conversations.
Just curious, I had an uncle who served in the 2nd world war and another who was in the military but during peace time. I would have been too young for either first or second war. Actually wasn't born till they were both over. I know a lot of Americans migrated to Canada during the Vietnam war, because they didn't believe in it so I was told by the few I spoke with. They became Canadian citizens.