Politics...I don't get the vote here, so i don't really care what happens with politics here. As for world politics, i think Mugabe and Kim jong il will die.
RHP peopleHoH will say something nice about someone, and IVV will become the no1 clan
Personal Some chick will actually like me, and we'll spend weekends in Galway together.
MusicThe bloodhound Gang will bring out yet another kickass album.
Film V for Vendetta 2 would be nice.
Politics - Al Franken will emerge as a the leading Dem candidate for US Senate in Minn.
RHP People - Will start a music forum
Personal - I will try to learn the tenor saxophone...on my own
Music - There will be a Buffalo Springfield Reunion with a new album and tour
film - Leonardo DeCaprio will win the Best Actor Oscar.
The next president of the United States will be Al Gore!
RHP people:
Ice Cold will change his name to Ice Man and be one of the most popular guys at the site.
Bowmann will come to his senses and date Mokko.
I will be married within a year.
MTV will launch a new sit-com which will be very popular.
Every broadcast on public TV will show their insignia at the bottom right-hand side of the screen and keep it there all during the entire show.
Congress will create a NEW tax to pay for environmental cleanup. The US will start marketing 'clean air' to homes just as Japan sells oxygen on their streets now.