Originally posted by SuzianneTo be fair Suzi, 99% of everything Carter has done came AFTER he was in the White House. As a President, he was an epic failure. He will forever be remembered as the one who gave away the Panama Canal for nothing.
Ok, wait. We are talking about Jimmy Carter, right? The 39th President of the United States? The man who has spent most of his life after the presidency building homes for homeless and disadvantaged people rather than making untold millions by giving speeches? The man who, when news came out about his brain cancer, was inundated with letters from well-w ...[text shortened]... e. I simply find it near unbelievable that Jimmy Carter could be "hated" by so many even today.
He has shown to be a great humanitarian with Habitat for Humanity and his religious undertakings and for that he has been held in high esteem.
Hillary , on the other hand, is a loathsome individual better suited for a prison cell than a White House stint. Sorry.
Originally posted by KewpieI wasn't even aware of this. How bizarre.
In Australia, the UK, and clearly in Canada too, it's the other way around. Blue means conservative, red means liberal. We are all aware that Americans use a different terminology for many things, and feel no need to change our current setup.
That won't change in 2016.
Originally posted by shortcircuitOh, I realize that Carter is considered the most dismal President ever by many. Some also consider this another badge of honor. But I wasn't exactly thrilled with the Panama Canal giveaway either.
To be fair Suzi, 99% of everything Carter has done came AFTER he was in the White House. As a President, he was an epic failure. He will forever be remembered as the one who gave away the Panama Canal for nothing.
He has shown to be a great humanitarian with Habitat for Humanity and his religious undertakings and for that he has been held in high est ...[text shortened]... hand, is a loathsome individual better suited for a prison cell than a White House stint. Sorry.
We clearly don't see eye-to-eye on Hillary. But that's to be expected; you're from Texas. 🙂 The one I think belongs in prison is Dick Cheney. Plus (and I know this will sound horrific to you), I think the President who was the worst for our country was Ronald Reagan. We're still trying to dig out from his tampering with the "gub-mint". Just ask the Air Traffic Controllers. All conservatives in this country should get down on their knees every morning and "Thank Reagan" that every one of them isn't seen as the scum that almost ruined this country. Somehow he made "Liberal" a bad word and most of us pariahs. I'm just thankful another Clinton, Bill, came along when he did, or we'd all be a hell of a lot worse off than we are.
/soapboxmode OFF
But I'm not gonna argue with you. 😀
Originally posted by SuzianneJimmy Carter is the only lving (ex-)president of the USA whose hand I'd deign to shake. Clinton and Obama I'd talk to but no more and Clinton not all that civilly either, the Bushes I'd happily spit on.
Oh, I realize that Carter is considered the most dismal President ever by many. Some also consider this another badge of honor. But I wasn't exactly thrilled with the Panama Canal giveaway either.
We clearly don't see eye-to-eye on Hillary. But that's to be expected; you're from Texas. 🙂 The one I think belongs in prison is Dick Cheney. Plus (and ...[text shortened]... l of a lot worse off than we are.
/soapboxmode OFF
But I'm not gonna argue with you. 😀
Hillary... no. As far as personal morals go she's probably not as bad as her hubby, but as a politician I find her deeply unsympathetic. She's clearly the driving force behind the Clinton's hunger for power and money, and people like that should not be trusted. Less corrupt than the Grubbers' Old Party's candidates, sure, but never actually decent or trustworthy in any aspect of her personality.
Ray-Gun Ronnie, sure. The rest of the world knew he was demented rather before his doctors announced it to the USA.
As for Dick Cheney, too late. He's done his damage. Easily the most evil person in this post, and if I thought he still had real influence I'd call for his elimination for the good of the rest of the world and even his own home state, but what should be done about him is declare him personally and the entire Halliburton conglomerate bankrupt, and sell off the assets to repair some of the immeasurable damage he's gleefully done.
All in all, not a pretty lot, but then, what do you expect for career politicians, and worse, ones whose apex career lasts eight years plus whatever they can grub together on the lecture circuit? Tory BLiar is no better.
Originally posted by DeepThoughtFor the second prediction I would Need a criterion. In fact I think that it could be argued that this war is going on since the foundation of Turkey. I know that the PKK declared a truce some years ago. But it seems like some heavy fighting was already reported in 2015.
1) Britain will vote to stay in the EU by a significant majority as people realise that otherwise we will have nothing to complain about.
2) Kurdistan will fight a secession war with Turkey.
Originally posted by PonderableA Jakarta/Paris-like gunmen-and-bombs attack in a Saudi Arabian city aimed at the ruling royal family and reportedly orchestrated by ISIS or ISIS-influenced dissident Saudis.
No more predictions? NOthing spectacular will happen? No famous bucket Kickers?
Novak Djokovic will win all 4 Grand Slam tennis tournaments.
There will be a new global financial crisis.
Apple will release a compact version of the iPhone.
DeepMind's AI will beat the world's top Go player.
I will gain a distinction in the first module of my Computing & IT BSc degree.
If a vaccine for the Zika virus isn't discovered extremely quickly, the Rio Olympic Games will be a disaster for Brazil.
Players of Grand Theft Auto 6 will be able to control real people (against their will, naturally) through the game interface. Popular choices will be Kim Jong Il, Pharrell Williams, Lady Gaga and Seitse.
The leader of Britain's Labour Party will devote substantial consideration to symbolically affording human rights to objects such as eggcups and bottles of moisturiser.
1. Hilary Clinton will win the Democratic Presidential nomination.
2. Hilary Clinton will be the next President of the United States of America.
3. Magnus Carlsen will beat whoever wins the Candidates' Tournament in the next World Championship match.
4. More athletes will be found to have doped at the Olympics, utilising a currently undetectable substance.
5. Stephen Hawking will die this year