Originally posted by MilkyJoeI do. Take care of America first. Not a cent to anyone till this country is straightened out. ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ Charlotta
Who thinks all this aide (money) that is given to these "starving" countries is wasted money? Surely all that is happening is they have more energy to have more children, thus perpetuating the problem. (It's no coincidence that it isn't getting better). If they're so starving and weak, where do they get the energy to "do it"? Who's for fly soup?
The post that was quoted here has been removedI see, a sort of 'quicksort' effect. very nice, should take care of the problem in O(nlogn)!
but then again, the fat can eat faster and more than the thin, and hence the equilibrium could be reached more efficiently by exploiting that advantage. so it would make sense to release the army of hungry fatties on a herd of unsuspecting anorectics. load up all americans & hungarians on B52's and drop them on the problematic areas.
Originally posted by MilkyJoeDude, I think you might be a little late in making this stupid comment.
Who thinks all this aide (money) that is given to these "starving" countries is wasted money? Surely all that is happening is they have more energy to have more children, thus perpetuating the problem. (It's no coincidence that it isn't getting better). If they're so starving and weak, where do they get the energy to "do it"? Who's for fly soup?
The booting is being changed to the other foot, and I doubt you will have any money to give the "starving countries" shortly.
I hope they are not as tight as the western world when it comes to giving hand-outs.