As most who play me know my game is not very good to say the least.
Sometimes I play reasonably well (nearly got to 1400 once), but
generally I play very poorly.
My question is this :-
If any of you could name one quality that makes a good player, what
would it be ?
Obviously I realise there is more than one, but I would be very
interested to hear how people rank them in importance.
Advice / comments would be very much appreciated.
Aiming to be MIP (Most Improved Player)
Okay...the quality of a "Good Player" means alot more than just
playing good. xeno was really good...but he was also very abusive and
rude to alot of people from what THEY have said (notice the disclaimer
on that one...he was only rude to me once and I never got to play
So I think a cordial person who plays chess really well is about the
best person you can find. fernando jp vasquez is this type of is Knightmare NJ.
Some would say I am that type of person and of course some would
say the two people mentioned above play a great game of
chess..never make a person feel bad over anything and are always
happy to play and talk to anyone.
They are the best!
OK - in that case I am referring to the first part of your question.
I believe that as far as manners are concerned that should be taken
as read.
Obviously you are a great player and your knowledge immense - I
don't know how you have the time to study as many books as you do
and you may well say that "studying" is the best thing to do.
I do not have as much time and I am not looking for a quick fix, just
some feedback on the qualities players such as yourself consider to
be important.
Martin I get what you are saying. The qualities that are inherit in
what you are asking are actually alot.
I will just try to name a few and then the one I feel is the number one
quality and lets see what you and others think.
1. Good deductive reasoning...without this one cannot discern a plan
in the middle or endgame. who does not have this will always jump in too early
and sometimes it will work..but most of the time it will fail..I teach all
of my pupils when they see a good move..sit on their hands...look for
a better one.
3.Intelligence...I have yet to meet the "good" stupid chessplayer (is
that an oxymoron)...but I have met many stupid people that play
chess...although not very well (and trust me folks I am not talking
about ANYONE here)
4.Work who wants to be good has to spend at least some
time studying...without it you will eventually hit a wall. I try to study an
hour everyday...not counting the time spent on here and the research
I do when I am on here.
And finally the biggest characteristic I think a GOOD chess player
should have is charisma...this seperates the men from the boys and
the women from the girls.The person that is intimidating yet daunting
will have an upper hand everytime. I have told my pupils that if you
can make the person move how you want them to then you are
controlling the game and therefore have a winning advantage. I know
that the intimidation quality really is more OTB then here...but trust
me...when the tourneys started yesterday the first thing i heard from
jacko007 was "just my luck I have to play the best player here"...this
of course is a negative attitude and my game is halfway won already.
Hopefully that is enough of my rambling...please feel folks to add to
or disagree with what I have said.
Same as the Question "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?"
Practice Practice Practice...and of course alot of studying 😀
After a few years of that and if one doesn't improve it is time to
maybe find something else to do.
As the old saying goes "If at first you don't succeed...then maybe
skydiving ain't for you!"