25 Apr 08
Originally posted by HandyAndy... or paying attention to the wrong things because of wrong priorities.
Eighty percent of success is showing up.
--Woody Allen
And eighty percent of failure is not paying attention.
--Yours truly
-grampy anon
Edit: GROW. Companies and organizations compensate on producion (Top Salesperson) and promote on ability/capacity to handle responsibilty
(V.P. Worldwide Marketing and Sales). Application... learn to think the way your boss thinks, simultaneously teaching your subordinates to think
the way you do. Won't happen unless and until you set both the expectation and the tone in a non threatening environment. Job security,
on the other hand, is simple... Be worth more than you cost. With each new bonus or raise, the ante is inconspicuously and permanently raised.
Originally posted by AThousandYoungi used to think like that, but now i think: ok, if i spend 40 years just enjoying myself immensely, and then, say, a year on my deathbed regetting that 40 years, i've probably come out ahead.
One of the principles I live my life by is that when I look back on my life on my deathbed, how will I feel about it?
Originally posted by Iron MonkeyI doubt 40 years of happiness is something you'll regret. Unless "enjoying yourself immensely" simply means gorging on food, drugs, sex and other things that give a quick rush. That doesn't by itself lead to happiness but too often the opposite.
i used to think like that, but now i think: ok, if i spend 40 years just enjoying myself immensely, and then, say, a year on my deathbed regetting that 40 years, i've probably come out ahead.
Originally posted by AThousandYoungdecades from now, when we're in the old folks home, sitting on the porch, and you'll say to me for the millionth time: "I said gorging on food, drugs, sex and other things that give a quick rush would make you a grumpy old ass...", and I'll snap right back at you: "stop living in the past, will ya!"
I doubt 40 years of happiness is something you'll regret. Unless "enjoying yourself immensely" simply means gorging on food, drugs, sex and other things that give a quick rush. That doesn't by itself lead to happiness but too often the opposite.