Hello again.
For RHP Prose Competition 4, which will start in three weeks from now, you have a special assignment!
You are to write a piece of prose describing the history of your life in LESS THAN 500 words!
Entries close on 20 May.
Please give your submission a unique title.
The SUBMISSION rules for the Red Hot Pawn Prose Competition:
500 word limit; no profanity (stick within forum rules please); if a writer publically discloses which piece he/she wrote then that writer will be immediately disqualified; one entry per person; stick to the topic; you will remain anonymous, unless you win; once the prose has been up on the forum for one week I shall tally the votes and anounce the winner; don't vote for yourself; I won't post your prose anywhere but in this forum; prose must be EMAILED to with the following text in the subject: "REDHOTPAWN PROSE 4"; I will not disclose your email address to anyone; it is preferred if you mail your prose to me in a .txt document attachment; include your RHP username for me to verify the authenticity of each writer; I will post ALL of the legitimate entries in the order that I received them.
I will not accept your entry if it has more than 500 words. Good luck!
Thanks to all the sweet bumping going on.
Ok, for the life story thing: guys, get your heads out your arses and write.
The TOPIC of RHPProse 4 is "Life Story"
You may of course take this metaphorically, you may write something conceptual, you may write something fictional. Just as long as it in some way ties back to the topic I shall accept it, just don't get silly on me, you silly silly people. This is a very broad topic, and I'm dying to see what you're all going to write.
I have now resorted to physically threatening people in order to get some more entries for Red Hot Pawn Prose Competition 4, and for the most part, it seems to be working rather well. Nothing like a little electro shock to get those creative juices bubbling.
7 or so more days before entries close. Could be 8 days. I dunno. My alarm clock is set for 20 May.
As an additional incentive, I have a team of amazing artists, creative visionaries, and generally flatulent cigar smoking poker players designing a nice fresh new invisible TROPHY for the winner! It's INVISIBLE! It's WEIGHTLESS! And it's ALL MINE HAHAHAHA!
Here's a shocking update: