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Originally posted by Weadley
LoL why dont you just say you love your boyfriend and be proud of it?
Nuttin wrong with that.
So where's the rest of the hidden life of Weasley? I'm not buying the 40+ 2.5 kids family man deal. Surely there is an S&M bondage fetish or a transvestite hooker in there somewhere?.... damn that reminds me I left bondage off my list of hobbies.

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Job?--- Office Pest
Religion?--- Not right now
Hobbies?--- Running & Fitness, Music Mixing.
Region?--- West Mids, UK
Quote?--- "Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people" - Eleanor Roosevelt
Relationship?--- Not right now
Mode of transportation? --- Bicycle, Car, Foot.


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Job?--- Industrial Designer
Religion?--- My own ideas 🙂
Hobbies?--- Astronomy, Sci-fi, alien life forms, chess
Region?--- Michigan, USA
Quote?--- "Always make the best of any bad situation."
Relationship?---None at the moment
Mode of transportation?--- 1997 black Firebird

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
So where's the rest of the hidden life of Weasley? I'm not buying the 40+ 2.5 kids family man deal. Surely there is an S&M bondage fetish or a transvestite hooker in there somewhere?.... damn that reminds me I left bondage off my list of hobbies.
Yes. I bet Weedy plays chess in a dress.

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Job?---watching out for intruders and strangers
Religion?---moon worship
Hobbies?---hunting cats and other miscellaneous small aminals, drinking from toilets
Region?---the backyard
Quote?---"If you can't run with the big doggs, you'd best stay on the porch"
Relationship?---on top of b!tches
Mode of transportation?---quadruped

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Job?---Child Wrangler
Hobbies?---Cooking, Chess, DIY, Trees and Architecture
Region?---London UK
Quote?---"Same 5h1t, different day"
Mode of transportation?---S10 Blazer

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Job?--- Night supervisor at the dirt factory
Religion?--- Nature, the natural flow of life.
Hobbies?--- Hunting
Region?--- Upper Midwest, USA
Quote?--- If you can outrun my dog, you can keep that fifty bucks.
Relationship?--- Married
Mode of transportation?---Pea green 1973 Ford F100. (The old girl)


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Job - Manager of a Leisure Centre (sports)
Religion - devout atheist
Hobbies - golf, chess, telly
Region - Cornwall, UK
Relationship - married with children ( "AAAL!!!" )
Transportation - Rover 75 v6
Quote - "I can resist anything but temptation" Oscar Wilde

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Job? --- Software Engineer
Religion? --- Actively anti-religions
Hobbies? --- Soccer, chess, cycling
Region? --- New Hampshire, USA
Quote? --- "Life is too short to spend it trying to protect the inept from the insensitive."
Relationship? --- none - I *really* need to move back closer to civilization
Mode of transportation? --- Subaru Baja - everyone in NH drives a Subaru

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Originally posted by Starrman
Because he's a she 🙂 I just don't like the term girlfriend, and we won't ever get married.
god i love lesbians... sory.. just had to add that.. i know i know.. im a male pig blah blah blah.. im all for lezbians.. more power to ya..

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Hobbies?-Getting up after 11, Ping-Pong, computer games, Rhp.
Mode of transportation?-Bike, scooter, parent driving a car, feet.


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Job? - Student during term, tourism industry bitch/'small-scale entrepreneur' in summer
Religion? - Geek atheism. Streak atheism if you're lucky.
Hobbies? - Again with the word 'hobby'.
Region? - London or Maine.
Quote? - I'm somewaht partial to Samuel L. Jackson's rendition of Ezekiel 25:17.
Relationship? - Single.
Mode of transportation? - My feet, public transport.

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Job: Training to work on laptops, but currently making money playing poker.
Religion: Christian
Hobbies: Watching movies, writing, watching movies, music, watching movies, reading, and now and then I like to sit down and relax and just watch a good movie.
Region: Coral Springs, FL (raised in West Palm Beach)
Quote: "We all go a little mad sometimes." - Norman Bates, Psycho
Relationship: She just left me for her ex, thanks a bunch.
Mode of transportation: My aunt's 2004 Acura TL, but I own a 91 Ford Mustang that's waiting for me in West Palm.


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Job? - Child wrangler and writer
Religion? - Fundamentalist atheist
Hobbies? - Chooks, writing, reading, chess, gardening, sailing, bushwalking
Region? - Canberra, Australia
Quote? - Ver non semper virit
Relationship? - Married
Mode of transportation? - Toyota Hilux Ute - "The Truck"
Kids? - Two
Pets? - Two Border Collies, 23 chickens
Political leanings - Environmental socialist republican (in the Australian sense).

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yum chiknz....

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