@very-rusty saidFor some reason I thought we pm'd Ponderable.
You can't tell me you been here for 8 years and didn't know how it works! 😛
@very-rusty saidForeign words, mostly English/American, are added to our language all the time, making it easier for us to communicate and understand others.
Sure you can suggest what ever you like. 😉 I can't help the fact that this is a multi language and cultural site. Everyone does the best they can to speak the English language as that is what the site wants.
@torunn saidMay I just suggest we use the new Swedish word 'hen' referring to both han/hon (he/she) and honom/henne (him/her). It makes things so much easier for everyone until you introduce a similar pronoun suiting your language.
Foreign words, mostly English/American, are added to our language all the time, making it easier for us to communicate and understand others.
The aforementioned sounds to me that you wanted it be easier for Swedish people to understand....Now what Nationality was it you are?
06 Jul 19
@the-gravedigger saidHell that must be embarrassing for you thinking you put what you said in a P.M. !!!!
For some reason I thought we pm'd Ponderable.
06 Jul 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidYou may have added tomorrow is the July 7th..... 😉
Repetition and clarification:
topic: ghost/supernatural/scary
keywords to be included: superstition - twilight - phantom
max. number of contributions per author: 2
amount of words: 800
Last date for entering the contest: 7th of July 23:59 RHP-Time.
Post to Ponderable_Dickens@yahoo.com
06 Jul 19
@very-rusty saidChess players invariably have calendars.
You may have added tomorrow is the July 7th..... 😉
@ghost-of-a-duke saidSome forget the rules for voting? 😉
Chess players invariably have calendars.
What makes you think they know tomorrow is July7th? 😉
Edit actually in some places it may be very close to it!!!
@very-rusty saidI simply posted this suggestion as there seemed to be an issue with he/she, him/her - it's none of my business really, so I'll just drop it.
May I just suggest we use the new Swedish word 'hen' referring to both han/hon (he/she) and honom/henne (him/her). It makes things so much easier for everyone until you introduce a similar pronoun suiting your language.
The aforementioned sounds to me that you wanted it be easier for Swedish people to understand....Now what Nationality was it you are?
@mister-moggy saidAs I said, just an idea that I have already dropped so just forget it you too.
a hen is a chicken and not a gender pronoun.
some swedes are fools just like there are fools everywhere.
@torunn saidYou are simply ahead of your time madam, like da Vinci or Van Gogh. (Please look after your ears).
As I said, just an idea that I have already dropped so just forget it you too.
06 Jul 19
@ghost-of-a-duke saidThank you, and good luck with your entry/entries. 🙂
You are simply ahead of your time madam, like da Vinci or Van Gogh. (Please look after your ears).