Originally posted by Daemon SinWhat you're doing, it's worse than stopping to watch a bus crash, it's like you're cutting the brake line. Rubbernecker.
Yay! All those OLD SKOOL feuds are crawling back out of the woodwork! All we need now is for Skeeter and Xanthos to make a comeback and it'll be just like the GOOD OLD DAYS!
Keep this up and I might just resubscribe so I can bring my JD vs. PFC avatar out of retirement.
I did like the avatar.
Originally posted by Daemon SinThat is a powerful incentive. I too might resubscribe.
Yay! All those OLD SKOOL feuds are crawling back out of the woodwork! All we need now is for Skeeter and Xanthos to make a comeback and it'll be just like the GOOD OLD DAYS!
Keep this up and I might just resubscribe so I can bring my JD vs. PFC avatar out of retirement.
Originally posted by SuzianneAs you seem to talk about something entirely different, I'll try again:
How would I react to this?
I think you can see how I react to it every time Rags says it to me.
Funny how you changed the sexes around.
How would you react if someone would say to some forum poster who is not < insert some characteristic that applies to you and a lot of people you care about; this could be your gender, skin colour, a disability, your nationality etc. > : "Hey, I could never figure out why you are so incredibly annoying, but I suddenly realised it's because you really are < insert aforementioned characteristic > !", and maybe add some only partly correct "definition" of < insert aforementioned characteristic > ?
Originally posted by Daemon SinThese threads are a waste of SQL queries.
Yay! All those OLD SKOOL feuds are crawling back out of the woodwork! All we need now is for Skeeter and Xanthos to make a comeback and it'll be just like the GOOD OLD DAYS!
Keep this up and I might just resubscribe so I can bring my JD vs. PFC avatar out of retirement.
I've had my fair share of arguments with various idiots in these scenarios before and now, reading this vitriol, I can't understand how they pulled me down to their level.
Originally posted by NordlysLook, I appreciate that you know and have met many people with autism and therefore have a higher degree of sensitivity to their plight than most people.
And thanks, I know all that, and I never painted all autistic people into the AS corner. I have met a wide variety of autistic people, some of them highly intelligent, some of them mentally disabled. Fact is that mental disability is not part of the criteria. Neither is being a dick.
I've already admitted that the definition I used was inexact. I categorically apologize if my "dumbed-down-for-the-forum" definition offended you or those with autism in any way. But any differential diagnosis of ASD of necessity includes an assessment of cognitive skills. Please note that while you are technically correct in that the DSM currently uses the "social interaction/communication/repetitive behavior" triad for diagnosis, mental disability is still present in 25% to 75% of cases, depending on who you talk to. Also note that any definition of LFA, MFA or HFA must be based on IQ thresholds, and that AS can be classified as a non-syndromal autism based solely on the absence of mental retardation. While I certainly do not mean to insult those with autism, or play it off as trivial or stereotyped, the fact is that an assessment of intellectual development is part of the diagnostic procedure. Studies have been done exploring the connection of autism to epilepsy and sleeping problems as well. Autism is a wide-ranging, non-standardized disorder (despite the DSM) with much controversy surrounding it. As you are well aware, much more work needs to be done to more fully understand it.
Again, I apologize for my seeming insensitivity. Perhaps in reaching out for something to illustrate my frustration in dealing with Ragnorak, I reached too far. It was not my intention to belittle or trivialize autism or those whose suffer from it.
Originally posted by SuzianneThanks. My main complaint was not with that definition anyway, but with using autism as an insult and attributing negative behaviour to autism that isn't typical for autism at all. I agree with most of what you said in this post (although not everybody who is evaluated for ASD gets an assessment of intellectual development).
Look, I appreciate that you know and have met many people with autism and therefore have a higher degree of sensitivity to their plight than most people.
I've already admitted that the definition I used was inexact. I categorically apologize if my "dumbed-down-for-the-forum" definition offended you or those with autism in any way. But any differential ...[text shortened]... r. It was not my intention to belittle or trivialize autism or those whose suffer from it.
Originally posted by RagnorakI see. And your profile picture is you? Really?
I chose to ridicule his behaviour on this site, which includes trying to pass himself off as sexygirl113.jpg or sexygirl786.jpg along with a profile which is inviting PMs from lonely chess players to this sexygirl11890.
Not sure what the rest of this insane rambling means.
Originally posted by RagnorakIf you could only know how completely stupid and irresponsible and how utterly wrong you are here. If this is the basis of your maltreatment of me, then you are one deranged, sick bastard.
Suzi's tactic of misrepresenting himself to prey on young boys on an internet chess site is very disturbing in my mind, and without getting personal, I'll slag him for it. If he came straight out and said "male looking for young male for fun and games" in his profile, then no problem (so long as it was legal), but trying to lure people through falsehoods is unacceptable, in my very humble opinion.
As a matter of fact, while I am bisexual, I prefer women, MORON.
Originally posted by RagnorakPlease get your facts straight, unless all you are interested in is misrepresenting me.
He also had "Member of the I hate Ragnorak club" in his profile for about 2 years during which time, I don't believe one word passed between us,
The statement I had in my profile was this:
Trial member of the "Ragnorak is an [CENSORED]" club.
Fact is I had many requests from people to join this club.
Originally posted by RagnorakYes, as a matter of fact, this IS the biggest problem I have with you: the way you address me and the way you insist I am a man. Obviously you continue doing this because you know how much it upsets and insults me. It is this continual mistreatment of me that I find most offensive, out of all the offensive things you do.
Oh and btw, if you or suzimanne have a problem with the way I address him, then you can tell Russ, and let him decide what to do with it.
Yes, I have toyed with the idea of reporting you to the administrators of this site for harrassment, but I was never sure how this would be received by said administrators. I did not want to just be blown off as a "hysterical woman". I just wanted it to stop, but it was clear that you would never stop, so I resigned myself to fight fire with fire. The problem with this is that you are a completely insensitive individual and as such, anything I could muster in the way of insulting you was so much water off a duck's back. Besides, I have never solved my problems by "running off to tell mommy or daddy".